
First day of high school didn't go well!?

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Already from how the first day of high school went, Im assuming the year will suck for me: noone talked to me, all my friends have friends who are upperclassmen, so they went to hang out with them, leaving me alone, and lastly, I'm shy around people and for some reason come off as rude to them, even when I dont say anything. How can I get that "fun high school life" and have many friends? I'm worried I won't make friends all year:/




  1. it was only your first day of high school, so don't be too worried

    you'll get plenty of chances to make up for that first day

    join clubs and sports to meet new people easier

    just be friendly and confident  

  2. Typical, typical. Always remember that it is the quality

    of your friends, not the quantity. Would you rather have

    three awesome friends you know will never turn their

    back on you, or would you rather be popular and have

    a billion friends that talk c**p behind your back?

    Don't try to popular, it doesn't seem natural.

    People (the decent ones at least) like

    to make friends with shy, nice people that

    will always be there for them. Not desperate

    guys who will purposely try out for

    every club possible for popularity.

    It's only the first day, things'll get better. :)

    I promise! Best of luck!

  3. 1. Don't assume the first day is a precursor to the whole year.

    2. If you want to make friends you're going to have to find people yourself or hang out with your other friends. So what if they're with upperclassmen? There's no rule that says you can't hang out together.

    3. There are going to be plenty of other lonely people like yourself. They're easy to spot: they sit alone or in the library at lunch. Go up to them and--gasp--have a conversation. If they seem nice ask if you can hang out again, if they don't find someone new the next day.

  4. just give it some time... my first day of high school sucked too, but eventually i made some friends and i found out it wasn't that bad.

  5. Don't freak out over one day :)

    Remember there are a LOT of people feeling the way you do, even if it doesn't seem like it.  Look around for other people who don't seem to know anyone or have anyone to talk to.  Strike up a conversation, even if it's hard.  You won't get over your shyness unless you work at it.  Even if it's just asking if someone has heard anything about the teacher or if they're any good at a subject you love or aren't very good at it.  Anything can be a conversation starter, and the more you do it, the more you'll grow comfortable with it.  

  6. Hey today was my first day too and it was pretty boring didnt get to see all my freinds and lunch sucked. But overall if you dont really put out to talk to some one no one is going to break their necks to talk to you. Yeah i've experienced that so you just have to put yourself out there and get outta the box. I'm hoping both yours and my year wont suck but all i can say is dont stress it that much!Hope i helped.

  7. Very few people have a great first day. People are stressed out from running around buying new clothes, trying to find their classes, trying to reconnect with their old friends, etc. It's just a crazy day.

    It's natural for your friends to want to hang out with upperclassmen because upperclassmen are comfortable and know their way around.

    Just hang in there.

  8. Try to be more open and put yourself out there. Try joining a popular sport and try to be really good. Or join a club like band or choir or Newspaper or Yearbook committee. Hope I helped!!!

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