
First day of high school is 2morrow and I'm nervous..?

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First day of high school is 2morrow and I'm nervous..?




  1. chill out. its my first day too (but next monday). its not that big a deal. =)

  2. don't be! after tomorrow you will see that it is no big deal!

  3. well i know my strategy was to get friends with a few upperclassmen so that I already had a name for myself, and that worked, but your school is tomorrow. Just think through what you're gonna do tomorrow morning so it won't be so surprising. Think "Wake up at 6:30, brush teeth, go on the bus at 7:00, get there 7:15" etc. Then tomorrow you won't be so nervous because it will seem like you have done it before.

  4. Its ok i´m really nervous too i start high school this september

    if its about making friends on a new high school think that there are probably many other new kids that dont know anyone so you can be friends with them

    that made me feel better when i thought of it..

  5. ok high school isnt really anything to be nervous about its not that diffrent from middle school the only diffrence i had in my high school was that lunch wasnt seperated by grade not much diffrence at all you have more freedom

  6. Why? You shouldn't be. At first you will have totally different view for the kids in your class but after a half year you'll get to know everyone. The first days are fun. You meet teenagers, you share opinions but you should be careful. It is quite good when you impress the kids in the class, of course not by showing smart and clever(they hate that) but on an interesting way. That can earn you points in everyone. But that is not compulsorily but if you can do it on some way, why not?

    Good luck and no worries. Later you will laugh all together how weird or scared you looked like on the first day:)

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