First of all, I just wanna say I am smart. I've been doing great in school all my life. My brother says I am going to do very bad. He says his stepson did well in middle school too but when he came to high school he started gettin D's and F's. I know that guy. I know his stepson. I used to hang out with him. All he does is play games. No sports. I play basketball and am very athletic. How dare he compare that guy to me? That really gets me pumped up. Anyway, I know there's not much advice you guys can give me except for "Relax" "Dont' get nervous" and all that. The thing is I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Which means when I get scared or nervous, I get these feelings in my stomach and I have to f**t and sometimes even take a dump. So that really sucks. But mainly, I am just scared about not finding my classes and getting lost. The first day of middle school, I am not sure how I found my classes AT ALL. I just forgot but I did find them. But this is high school. We did have orientation and they showed us the school but doesn't help that much. First day you gotta go to the office and get your schedule. Each class has a number. For example my math class might have a number of 400 and then you just find that number on the map they gave you and you go there. Thing is, you gotta do it fast. There's going to be a million people there. I know they allow you to be late, well for freshmens but still I'm scared. Any advice?