
First day of highschool - help?

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tomorrow is my first day of high school, and i need advice on a few things.

1. what should i wear - any ideas?

2. I'm outgoing and have friends but how do i make new high school friends?

3. is the work hard? - im in all honors classes, and idk how to organize and handle my work




  1. keep this in mind...

    1. it shouldn't matter what you wear - if you have friends whom solely base their friendship with you on what you wear - you don't need them

    2. the same way you've always made friends.. talk to people respectfully and demand the same back

    3. hard is a state of mind... highschool is simply a repeat of elementary and middle school.. with a little more added.. manage your time and you will do fine.. stay focused in class and it will make your life easier

  2. Its seriously fine

    when i started high skool i was nervous about new friends but everybody was like me && everybody just spoke to everybody

    the work isnt hard its just like it is from primary

  3. try har on the work but also try to be social an take note of who's who.

    dont panic.

    xx goodluck

  4. Today was my first day of high school and I was so nervous. I didn't know where anything was but, then, everything was okay.

    I wore a southpole shirt(black) and some south pole Bermuda jeans. Everybody liked it because the shirt was gold and my shoes are gold also.

    I make friends easy, you should smile, and be more social. Or, you can easily compliment somebody on what they are wearing. That is what I do.....

    From what I have heard, high school is not easy. My cousin said every grade is easy but, the junior year. I don't understand why....I don't like how we have to follow the academy rules. We have to turn in our work before the bell rings. Sooo,,that really sucks.

  5. The work isn't too hard. Its the same as middle school, & as the years in HS pass you get less & less work each year (at least I did, by 12th grade I did nothing). Wat to wear, anything fashionable that you like, and for 2nd question IDK cause I was horrible at making new friends in HS. Just be you & relax.

  6. A.      -wear something comfy that you wont have to keep checking up on.

             -don't challenge the dress code your first day

             -prolly just jeans and a super cute top! :)

    B.      -don't try really hard

             -you'll meet the new people that are in your classes

             -you'll become friends with your current friend's friends (if that makes sense)

            -it'll just happen don't seem too eager

            -the classic line:  just be yourself :P

            -be nice and open and seem easy to talk to and not stand off-ish, just make sure you check your body language every once in awhile.

    C.     -i was (and still am) in all honors classes (and now AP classes) and honestly if you make sure you leave aside time for homework it's nnot that hard at all

           -make sure you write down all your homework

    don't-dont mess around in class

           -take notes

           -last but NOT least don't act dumb so a guy will like you or so a guy can help you (been there done that, it doesn't work and hurts you in the long run)

    good luck my dear :)

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