
First day of highschool ? ..?

by  |  earlier

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( girls only pleaseeeeeeee. ]


mk, so yeah i'm going to be a freshmen.

and school starts monday.

-* i'm so nervous it's crazy.

i'm already stressed out ;& all that.

but can you girls give me some advice

;& some tips//beauty tips please ?

;& what should i wear ;& how

should i do me hair ? ( it's a little

over my shoulders ;& i'm willing to wear anything but skirts, (: ]

and no bullshyt please because

i'm serious.*

thanks // [:




  1. Don't overdo it!

    As in, don't freak out so bad that you have to use Y!A to figure it out.

    These are the same kids you went to school with last year.

    And honestly, I can't remember anyone's outfit from my first day of any year because I was too concerned with, you know, school.

    Jeans, t-shirt, shoes. It's not that hard.

  2. I just had my first day today! haha it was funnn.. you shouldn't be stressed, or you'll get lost.. I got lost.. okay sorry. just wear some skinny jeans and a cute top. everything will be fine, you'll get used to it.  

  3. dont try too hard, thats one of the ways people will know you're a freshman. dont be nervous, it's not that bad, you might get lost on the first few days but almost everyone gets through it.

  4. hey im gonna be a freshman!

    okay make-up:

    eyeliner. either dark brown or black depending on your complexion

    mascara if u like it

    mineral make-up for ur face from almay

    cover up if u need it

    and lipgloss


    wear it nautraul weather its curly or straight. then take the front pieces like about an inch nd a half wide and clip it back. then put on a thin headband.



    im nervous too! good luck!

  5. honestly don't stress wear something cute NOT S****y some thing from ae or af are cute.

    don't use to much make up or you will get a name like cake face...

    be nice and talk to everyone that says something to you but nicely.

  6. well i'm going into grade 11 now and i remember my first day of grade nine i was soooooo nervous it was insane, i know how your feeling like theres gunna be all these new kids you have to meet and your scared they will be judging you and all the other older grades and EVERYTHING! don't worry because everyone else is just as nervous as you are, the only thing that they do on the first day is go through what you are going to learn that year. Theres no work on the first day what so ever. My advice is, get to know anyone that you can the more outgoing you are the easier high school will be for you. And don't stress about being late for class because for the first week or so the teachers give the grade nines extra time. So just don't stress because high school is soo much better than elementary.  

  7. I have a couple tips that are worth more than beauth tips.

    1. Be yourself and don't ry to fit in with other people

    2. Try not to p**s off the uperclassman they don't like it

    3. Do your own thing and don't let anyone change you

    4. Surround yourself with people you know have your back no matter what and not ones that you know talk about ppl behind their back. If they do it to one girl they might do it to you.

    5. Fashion: Don't try to hard just do what you normally do and just have confidence!!

    Hope I helped!!


  8. wow i was a nervous reck too my 1st day ; but dont stress it

    its seriously just like middle school; i didnt see any difference;

    accept that the school is much bigger n the teachers in my school are soo much cooler

    just be yourself dont try to be someone your not n relax =]

  9. haha im starting highschool freshman monday too. yikes! I know im nervous. um tips??? i would say. be yourself please do not act like those scene girls who think theyre all that. or those mean girls idk. haha but yeah there you go. oh dont look tacky either. lol

    :] ♥

  10. I'm a freshman on monday also. Basically I think I will stay out of peoples way, lol :)! The most important part is do what makes you happy and be yourself.

  11. high school is no big deal

    its just a different year in a different school.

    dont try too hard to impress anyone.

    just put on a cute outfit.

    dont be nervous and have fun.


  12. I'm going to be a freshmen, too. My advice is-DON'T STRESS! That'll only make you break out, and you won't be able to focus.

    It's really not as bad as you think. People can be mean, but you'll meet mean people everywhere, no matter what.

    On picture day, don't wear sparkles, and stay simple. Make sure everything is neutral. You can wear a cute necklace to help you stand out, though.

    Don't wear what everyone is wearing. Boys will just laugh and be a little wierded out.

    Um, for makeup? Try going to a makeup counter and see what works best for you. I don't want to name anything because I think you should see what you like yourself.

    Hope this helps! Good Luck..wish me luck, also. Hahaha!

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