
First day of highschool ?

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I know some people have started school already so how was your first day ? :)

What should I bring the first day ?

And will I look like a loner or anything walking into the school by myself or walking to school alone all my friends live on the other side of the city ! :( and I don't know if i have classes with them will I look like a loner waling to my class alone ? lol

help mee pleasee !

thanks everyone :)




  1. you wont look like a loner if you keep your head up and your eyes level with everyone, and keep a smile on your face! that makes it way easier to connect with new people too!!  the first day usually doesnt require much more than a spiral notebook  or binder with blank notebook paper in it and a folder for handouts and a pen and pencil because really the teachers just tell you what supplies youll need for that class. bring a backpack. snacks.  a lunch or lunch money. your cell! maybe a book. just make sure to bring the backpack so if they give you your books you wont have to lug them around if you dont have a locker! also backpacks are kind of comforting hahah.

    wear something you feel comfortable and confident in ! be friendly and outgoing and smile ! and youll do fine :)

  2. come on, dude. chill out. ^_^

    everyone does have their own experiences on their first day at highschool.

    I was afraid too because i the only person in my family who ever go to my school and i didn't know anyone there. The worst part is on the night at my school, i was crying missing my home and my family. Then, my senior called me. I became more afraid because she had took me to a place a didn't know. Without any question, i followed her. Suddenly, she asking me for all my money and she punched me because i don't want to give the money. Without the money, how should i eat? Luckily, there was a nice senior passing by and had stopped her from bullying me again. After that, the nice senior was protecting me until the bully senior moved out. Now, i'm become a senior and when i see someone try to bully the juniors, i will stop her because i want to become like my nice senior.

    So don't be a loner, try to chat with someone else about something interesting like girls because you might be bully just like me ^_^

    You also can wear your most favourate shirt or clothes to make comfortable of your self

    Don't be afraid, try to be confidence. If you were afraid now, how you gonna get through when you go to the college later?

    Lastly, you would not look like a loner if you just walk alone just by your self. Just be confident, okay? ^_^

  3. naa. stay cool..stay strong...stay sllllliiickkkk

  4. I am going to be a junior this year but I can help. You should bring a folder, paper, and something to write with. You are going to write things down and you need something to store papers in. You will not look like a loner. Most people will figure that you are lost and trying to find your classes. Good luck.

  5. i know some people who started and they really liked it.

  6. kjdzkg;z;'ghaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  7. dont ask these questions it doesn't help

    after the seniors rape you violently its okay

    you just have to deal with people like you whining all the time about how much they hate high school

    if you keep this up you will be the kid at the table by himself j'n himself off cause you dont know wtf else to do

  8. My first day of high school, I was in the same situation as you. Alllll of my friends went to the other HS on the other side of town. On the first day of school, just bring a pen and a notebook. If you have a cute tote bag or oversized bag, just put in there so you don't look like a geek with a giant book bag. No, you won't really look like a loner on your first day. People will wonder "who is that..." . And, your also gonna learn that everyone in high school didn't go to the same middle school. Just make sure your not all quiet and shy. : ] . Laugh along with people, be yourself. If your into sports, make sure you show everyone in gym that your good at sports. And if your good at art, do the same. Just basically smile and relate to people. It's not as hard as it seems. Trust me, like i said I had the same deal as you, and now i'm a senior and everything is tight.  Good luck!  

  9. Here is what I wrote on another question like yours:

    Every single freshman is as nervous as you are. I would bet a million dollars that not one person feels totally confident of themselves.

    Knowing that, I would be nice and talk to the people you want to be friends with, ask them about themselves, tell them about yourself; figure out what you have in common. People are only friends with people who share the same wants, problems and backgrounds. You will definitely make new friends because you will always find a person who is like you, interested in the same things and experiencing the same problems. If you think of your past friends, think about how much you have in common with them, imagine if you had nothing in common with them, then it wouldn't work no matter how much you wanted to be friends with them!

    My first day, was uneventful. I went to all my classes, got lists of supplies that I should bring and books to take home. I had lunch with about a quarter of my friends because the others had a different lunch. I went to a rally welcoming freshman and that was it. Nobody made fun of my freshmeness and it was a lot better than I thought. Just remember that everything is always better than you imagine it to be!

    Don't bring anything but a writing utensil and some paper. The teachers will give you lists of what they want you to have. Go shopping after the first day of school.

    High school is a big playing ground of competition to get into a good college. Every grade matters, even your freshman year because all colleges look at your averaged gpa from 4 years. I would join a lot of clubs and be involved in the community. Colleges like people who are not only well educated but well rounded.

    Don't stress your self out to much the first year, but I recommend taking ap classes to boost your gpa and maybe classes from community colleges during the summer in your sophomore and junior years.

    Study well for the SAT and you will have a good life ahead of you!

    Don't get to caught up in high school drama or hang out with the wrong people. And party smart!

    You will not look like a loner walking to school by yourself, a lot of people are dropped off by their parents and also walk to school by themselves. Also all the people tat drive, drive by themselves. If you feel self-conscious walking by yourself, arrange to meet a friend on the corner block next to  the school.

    Good luck!

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