
First day of jr.high!?

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ok, so i am going into 8th grade..adn have been homeschooled for two years and i just moved to utah so i don't know anyone

and i don't know how jr.high works

so..on the first day of school do you just go to ur first class?

how do you know when ur lunch is?

and also the school is brand new..cus, the old one burned know one knows there way around do you think they will give tours?

How much homework will i get?

Do you think i will hope fully meet a lot of friends?

There is also a dress code..where your shorts have to be longer than ur finger tips...will a ot of people follow it?

and also just give me some more tips if you can




  1. I am really glad you are going into a Junior High instead of a watered down pansy middle school.  

    I'm surprised you have not been to an orientation which would give you the information that you need about your first day and year.

    Go to the office when you arrive and ask for a schedule (your schedule for the year)

    Also, homework varies from teacher to teacher but if you are in the top sets, you are bound to have a lot of reading.

    Good luck and don't worry, you'll be fine.

  2. dont worry. teachers and other students will explain stuff to you. everyones very lenient the first week. remember that youre not the only one who is unfamiliar with the building. youll be fine with homework- everyone before you has- besides, its only 8th grade.  

  3. basically, yes, you will go to your first might want to ask a teacher when you get there though, just to be sure. for your lunchtime, well, my schedule said the time. but you'll have to look at your schedule and just go to your classes until lunch, or again, ask a teacher. they will probably not give tours-last year i was in 8th grade at a newly built school and they didn't give tours, but at orientation you could look around for your classes,etc. you won't get a lot of homework for the first week or two, and even in the middle of the year you won't have as much homework as in high school. it WILL be manageable. i think you'll meet a lot of friends...most people welcome new students (: and for the dress code...that's reasonable. people will follow it ( i have the same dress code at my school) or they'll get in trouble.

    just be yourself, relax and have fun! hope i helped.

  4. they will probably give you your schedule that will tell you all your classes and when your lunch is. if you dont know where to go, it doesnt hurt to ask a teacher.

    i didnt have any trouble at all with homework so dont worry that much.

    there are lots of people there so you're bound to make some new friends. (: remember, theyre probably just as nervous as you.

    yeah in jr. high people usually follow the dress code but its not super strict. you can wear short shorts just dont go too short.

    just take it one step at a time and dont freak out (:

    jr high was fun for me and i look back on it and smile so make lots of memories (:

  5. And on your first week of school dont think that your teacher will be the same for the whole year.they only be very nice first week dont fall for their tricks. Some times there are nice teachers

  6. you seem nice so i think peopel will like u dont be afraid

  7. High school is usually a blocked schedule (4) classes.

    They will explain everything on 1st day.

    good luck
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