
First day of middle school.?

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Okay I'm going into middle school in a couple of days. It's 7th grade in my county. All of my friends are going to the other school. Do you guys have any tips about middle school? I'm nervous that I'll get lost or I'll be late, or that I'll end up in the wrong classes. What was your first day of middle school like. Also should I worry about what I wear? I don't really think about what I wear to much. I just usually go t-shirt and jeans.




  1. My first day was hard too. Where I lived our first year of middle school was 6th grade. When your new to a school, its ok if your late for the first week, the teachers will understand. I ended up in the wrong class in 7th grade. It doesnt matter what you wear the first day, as long as you feel comfortable. If you have anymore questions send me an email at

  2. Everyone is in the same boat as you, even your friends that are all going to be together in "the other school".  They still have to learn where the classes are and things like that. You probably will get lost once or twice.  Everyone does.  Just don't worry about it because everyone is as worried as you are.  After all, it's a new school for all the 7th graders.  Sometimes the upper class kids in that school can be a little cruel and maybe give you wrong directions just to be mean and pick on the new kids but that wouldn't be the first time something like that happens either.  Just hold your own and be yourself.  As far as what to wear, after your first day, you'll pretty much know what everyone else wears because you'll see it and I'll bet it's the same as you.  Just be yourself.  Don't try to show off -- that only makes you stand out more.  Good luck.  You'll be fine!

  3. My first day was boring since we didn't do any lessons.

    i think u should wear casual clothes that give an impression of what you look like.

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