
First day of middle school.

by Guest32584  |  earlier

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okay so im going into the seventh grade

so its gonna be my first year of middle

school (they put 6th grade into elementary

last year). so im super freaked! i live in a

bad community so i can get into a fight

FAST by saying the wrong scared i

might get lost, have trouble making friends.

im very insecure so i always think some 1 is

thinking bad things about me or i get worried

by the way i look. any tips?

how can i not worry about ppl and my

first day of school? & can u tell me

some tips on middle school.




  1. I thought the same things my first day year of middle school and hey look at me I'm alive and made a ton of friends and so will you this is so common on people so don't worry I bet you that the other kids are worrying to. But you'll survive you sound like a good person

  2. Congrats on graduating elementary. Livin in a bad community doesnt mean bad stuff is goin to happen to you. All you gotta do is stay out of trouble and dont get mixed in with the wrong group of people. Make sure that you always wear what you think is comfortable, and dont dress a certain way just because somebody else is dressing that way. Dont ever let a crush control your life. Dont change yourself so that that person will like you. Try your hardest to not be late to any of your classes or you will get detention. When you go back to school shopping, you should go to a store that sells the style you wear. Oh yeah, and make sure to always bring your gym clothes.

    Hope I helped. Bye

  3. once you get through the first day, you'll be fine. get plenty of sleep, get up earlier and have loads of time to get ready if you're worried about your looks. be polite to everybody, and try to make conversation.

    you're probably not the only one that is nervous!

  4. do you think other people dont think the same as you? every1 is nervous and is scared, but when you get there you will see its nothing and u made it a big deal. same thing with highschool nervous/scared once u get there its nothing. unless ur from like the projects i dont think fights are going to happen.

  5. awh dont worry about it. its no big deal . just dont start any drama with bigger older kids. have fun , you have nothing to worry about. stick with your friends frome elementary school first and then make some new friends. its easy and fun :)

  6. you probably will get beat up and made fun off and all that other fun stuff but thats good because it will toughen you up

  7. You're not the only one. There would be others either scared or attracted to your personality rather than the bullies. Study hard and don't worry about how mean the kids are. If anything, tell the teacher and they'll get in trouble. If your school has an honors program, try doing well enough and ask the counselors to switch you there so that your classes would be more filled with people worried about their homework more than the school  drama.  

  8. Dont worry about the other people so much at the first week or so, just worry about getting your classes down.  then  after then, make some efforts,  start talking to someone if you think or know they liek something that you also like.  dont try too hard to make someone like you, or they arent worth the effort.  just dont say anything bad about someone, or mouth people, and you should be okay when it comes to the fights.  just be nice to everyone. =]


  9. Hey I'm going into 7th grade too but it is my 2nd year of middle school!

    Here's my advice:

    be organized- folders and organizers always help

    be nice- you can never have enough friends!

    respect your teachers- you will have a good reputation with them and

    they will trust you more

    do your homework- it can bring your grade up almost a whole letter

    concentrate in class- it will help with class work

    Have fun! Middle school is a blast! =D

  10. i failed the seventh grade but...........if you have friends that are comming from the elementary skool to the middle skool with you you will be fine. i got lost plenty of times when i first went to middle skool just ask a teacher or something and it will be okay and if your late for classes because you got lost it doesn't matterr the first day.

  11. Ok...if there's any good kids try 2 e friends with them and for clothes buy hollister and ae and stuff

    can u help me???

  12. middle school is so easy. dont even worry about drama. dont start it, and u prolly wont have anyone start stuff with u...

  13. well i never had any problems wit my first day of middle school cause i knew alot of older kids but yah jus stick with ur friends and make new ones  

  14. just go with the flow Last year it was my first day in middle school and i was scarded out of my mind. Just hang out with people that you know. And dont be scard it fun i love middle school. it well get better as soons as the first day of school is done and over with.

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