
First day of school, ever! Please, help!?

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So I've been homeschooled and cyberschooled my whole life, and i've never gone to school before. I'm going to a public school this year, i'm going to be a sophmore, and I need some help, please.

I already know a few of the girls there[about 15-20 of them] but i'm only really good friends with like 4 or 5. So here are some of my questions, lol, please be patient with me, lol.

What do you wear on the first day of school? Casual or dressy?

How does gym class work?

Is there alot expected of you the first week?

What should I bring to the first day of school?

Is Aeropostal a little kid brand, like junior-high stuff, or is it okay for sophmores to wear that too? [I know, it's a shallow question, i'm sorry, first impressions are a big deal to me.]

Totes are fine right? Because I found this really cute hollister tote, and I love it!

What will definately classify me as a 'geek' or 'nerd'?because i need to avoid those things, lol.

Haha, that's all for now.thanks!




  1. Where something casual but classy. Make sure it's COMFY!

    You get to gym and have 5 minutes to change in a locker room with all the other girls, into your PE tee and shorts. Then you go do stretches and do the thing your teacher planned.

    Not alot is expected your first week, it's all instruction on what the class will be like and the things you will need.

    Bring a pencil, pen, notebook. That's really all you need, unless otherwise directed.

    Aeropostale is fine.

    Totes are fine.


  2. just wear something casual. whatever you want to

    idk. im not in a public school, i'm in private sorry

    there should be orientation at your school and you go talk to your teachers and stuff they should tell you what to bring. but for every subject bring a notebook and a binder, and a folder with a pen

    no its not a little kid brand. almost everyone in my school wears aeropostale, and a lot of people i know in public schools wear them too

    totes are fine

    just be yourself. no one really does that in high school. more of middle school. but if you be yourself they shouldnt, at some point everyone gets called that but whatever. who cares what they think? if you haev that many friends including close friends you should be fine. thats more than what some people i know have!

    email me if you have any questions. ive been to both public and private schools, including one online class while in private. haha.

    answer mine please?;...

    EDIT: sorry. on the first day a lot isnt expected. a few teachers give you homework, but a lot of them just go over "class rules" and stuff like that.

    a few do give you work but it isnt muchh. sometimes there will be a quiz on the second day just so you know whats expected but it never counts as a real grade. at least in my school it doesnt

  3. Just be yourself! Don't let other people's opinions about you change who you are!

  4. Casual. Don't want to over do it. I will be a junior. Some people dress a little "nicer" on the first day but still casual.

    Gym for me was over last year, but i think it depends on the school/region you are in. Basically you dress out in gym clothes, work out/sports, then dress back in reg, close. Simple.

    First week easy. Just listen to teachers tell you their rules and expectations.

    First day just pen, pencil, and notebook/paper

    Aeropostal is not little kid. I see girls wearing it. I have one shirt. Wear what you like, your style, in high school you will probably see at least one person with every brand you know on. A lot of diff styles out there.

    Totes perfectly fine do you think? Anything you see on TV and in movies as being a "geek" definitely don't do or wear and you'll be good. Some people in high school are mean, but if you wear all the new "in style" brands then no one will call you that. You said you care about your appearance so you seem like you know whats "in", you'll be fine. So you should know that dressing nice, :"n style" also has its downfall, ... "haters"

  5. Dress casual and wear something that u think u look good in

    try abercrombie :)

    and yea u should carry totes all the girls in my school do

    be friendly to everyone and try talking to alot of ppl

  6. Wear casual, you don't want to look like you're trying too hard.

    In my gym class we changed clothes in the locker room, went out and sat in the gym, did warm up stretches, then played a game or something for the class.

    No, the first week is pretty much nothing, just introductions.

    Just bring school stuff - a notebook, lunch, I guess.

    Dunno about brands.

    Totes are fine.

    Just having friends will keep you from being looked down on.

  7. casual for the first day.

    you want to be comfy, and have an approachable look.

    it depends, its rarely climb ropes and stuff like on tv, we only walk the track at my school.

    it depends. some teachers are laid back, but others will give you homework on first day. expect the worst, just in case.

    def. a binder in a school bag or tote with paper in it. maybe a notebook to write down notes and assignments, pencils, pens, highliters maybe.

    its okay. if you wear mature looking stuff, you will look fine. no one will be like OMG AERO? ARE YOU KIDDING?

    i have used a tote for like 5 years in pub school. since you are going to public school, they should be less strict about tht little stuff.

    not talking to anyone at all during class. pay attention, but be social. your clothes may, no granny sweaters or thick glasses! you may get called a nerd if you make good grades, but if you are social, its never serious, they are just jealous and picking. i promise.

    just be approachable, and approach! people get kind of interested in homeschooled people. they may want to hear about it. stick with friends, avoid gossip, work hard, but have fun!

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