
First day of school Hair, uniform accessorizing tips please?

by  |  earlier

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my hair is brunette with a gold weave. I have wavy hair to my chin

shoulder length hair when it's straight. I have long side bangs. also please tell me how to accessorize a uniform green, white, black, or navy blue shirt and a black or khaki skirt or bermuda shorts with white or black knee-high socks I like straighting my hair just its hard in the morning because I have very thick wavy hair! my problem also while your at it how do you get rid of blackheads on your nose and is there any way to make you b***s grow faster, and what make up and beauty products work best?ummm forget all that be yourself c**p everybody knows its all about looking fabulous and everybody knows that if u want to be pretty u have to act pretty too!!!!! and u do that by u guessed it ......looking fabulous!!!!!!!!!!




  1. be youself and the beauty will come from within!

  2. wow that is a lot of questionssss...

    wait a second....

    hair: curl your hair away from your face.

    leave your bangs out and do that little

    bump/poof thing in the middle if you know

    whuttim talking about. lol.

    acc=maybe some cute things from ICING err claires.

    beaded necklaces, colored stud earrings, scarves

    blackheads= idk

    b***s= no. just wait they will grow, trust me. lol.

    makeup= doesnt really matter

    loreal maybelline

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