
First day of school and no clothes to wear??

by  |  earlier

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Well we have to wear a uniform for school and I only have one uniform shirt because mine did not come in yet (we have to order them from the school) also I only have one pair of pants to wear (we can wear whatever pants we want) but I only have one pair of pants to wear because I don't have anymore that fit and I have been looking but we can't find any that fit me (I wear a size 1 short). I am probably not going to get any pants until at least next week (4 days after school starts) and that is only if I can find some that fit and I am not sure when I am going to get the rest of my shirts from the school. Any suggestions for me?? My question is does anyone have any advice for me or has anyone had something similar happen and what did you do about it?? If something similar happened to you I would like to hear a story about it :) Thanks!!




  1. umm with your pants wash them mid week umm like tuesday night and dry them so there clean again wednesday and the same with the shirt be extra careful not to spill anything down yourself and make sure you change when you get in from school

    i would ask your school about the shirts on the first day they might have some idea by then when there going to arrive if they haven't !

    good luck with this school year hope its a good one



    there is alot of uniforms at aeropostale=]

    hope i helped

  3. You asked this already.

    No my closet if full of clothes so no..

    Just go buy some pants and uniform shirts from any store.

    Or wash your pants and wear them everyday. Kinda weird but who will notice if it's a uniform?

    EDIT: How small is your town? Sheesh all I see are 1 shorts when I go shopping. Or buy regulars and get them hemmed.

    You'll live =]

  4. I don't know what to tell you. I had to wear one shirt for a whole week I just washed it every other day. I don't know what to tell you about jeans though. Sucks to not have money. Or clothes. There's not much you can do except keep them clean till you can get some more. If your parents don't have the money then they just don't have the money. If they do have money just help out around your house and suck up to them that's what I do lol. To Kathy Kourture not everyone has the luxury of having a closet full of clothes. Its not that easy for some people to just go out and buy a bunch of clothes.

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