
First day of school....i know yes another one of these questions haha...?

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ok soooo im looking to switch up my style this year im going into 11th grade and i usually have a random, fashionable, but random style like i am a girly girl and a tom boy and just casaual/comfortable but i dont know i wanna change. so i dont really like being the girl everyone has their eye on and the girl that gets stared at cause her outfit is like omg amazing but i like to look good soooo i went school clothes shopping and i bought those fashionable scarves and blue, pink, green, gray, black, and dark&light denim skinny jeans and cute vintage tops and a vest (kinda jonas brothers style-ish but i love them) and cute flats and converses but im thinking of a cute first day of school outfit should i go

1) girly girl

2) tomboyish

3) same as last year's style

4) something that totally stands out and try something wayyy new?

and i have clothes for each like i have skirts and stuff from last year and jeans/sweatpants so yeah i just need opinions lol thanks:D




  1. try something way new.

    guurl why wouldn't you want to be the person that people

    think yuur outfit is amazing and get looked at(in a good way)

    lol. just be yuurself and wear whatever you think fits best

    and is comfortable[: good luck.

  2. whatever you want  or feel you need.

    but i would have to say, girly girl is the way to go!

  3. its y0ur first day..s0mthing that really stands out.

    im goin to 11th grade too [:

  4. lets mix it up.

    lets go girly/tomboyish.

    go really cute trendy yet comfortable and easily to move around. like really cute ski.ny jeans with converse and a screen top, a scarf or an army hat to gfo with it. or with bracelts.  *check if you don't know what they are*

    if you still need help! message me!!

    hope I've helped!!

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