
First day of school look!?

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First day of school tomorrow? How can I look good/ act confident? I was really unpopular last year at depressed. I wanna start out good this year! Here's some picture's of me. I'm the blonde one.I know I look young, but I'm gonna be a freshman. FWI, I don't own any makeup.




  1. Your profile is private. Anyway, it doesn't matter that you look young...I do too, the difference is, I'm a freshman in college. To look your best, wear jean pants and find a top that looks good with the pants-it can be a new one or one you already have. Just find a top that suits your personality and compliments your complexion. Since, I haven't seen a picture of you, I can't tell you a color. As for confidence, that is always a challenging subject. When you wake up tomorrow, be positive no matter what happens, be pleasants, try to be friendly and smile-it helped me with my first day. Also tell yourself that nothing is going to spoil your day and don't allow anything to. It's your time to shine and don't let anyone take that away from you. You don't have to change your personality to fit, eventually you'll find your own niche and sense of belonging-you just need time to explore your own interests and you'll find people who share your too.

  2. doesn't work private profile

  3. private profile.

  4. new link doesn't work

  5. ur myspace is private

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