
First day of school tomorrow. I'll be freshman. Any tips?

by  |  earlier

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i'm really nervouse....ugh....





  1. walk in the hall, spill jello on the floor, scream "thug life!" and walk into your classroom backwards

  2. Don't get involved in drama.  Try to get take it easy and roll with the punches.  Be chill, not uptight.

    Focus on getting good grades, joining clubs and organizations.  Keep a list of your accomplishments so that when it's time to fill out college applications, it will be much easier.

    Make friends and keep them.  Don't get in petty fights about dumb things.  Having fun and having friends is very important.

    Lastly, cherish it.  You will never have a better time in your life.  It goes by very quickly, and you should enjoy it while its there.

  3. Like everyone else has said just don't be uptight. The first day was hard for me but only because I got lost. If you get lost don't be afraid to ask. Just find your friends and you will be all set. Making friends is real easy. High school will teach you to become more outgoing too. It helps a lot. Focus on your academics, don't give in to what some idiots are doing because high school is no joke. It sets the bar for your future. Just go with the flow, work hard, and have fun. High school goes by so fast. I haven't started school yet but i will be a junior. class of 2010!

  4. Ehhhhhh settle down. If you have already taken a tour of your classes and an orientation of the building, you'll be set. Don't worry about looking all pretty and proper, in ten years it won't matter. Stay out of drama and drugs. Worst part of high school. Just relax some and take it day by day, look forward to weekends! Just remember the first few days aren't that intense anyways! Throw on some relaxing music and just calm yourself! I start tomorrow to! I don't really want to give up summer, but at the same time school must go on! Just have fun!

  5. Find your middle school friends!

    Just be laid back, it's not THAT different from MS.

    Sit next to the cutest boy in each class~

  6. well my best advise is to be ur self dont let no one tell u who to kick it with and if someboty tries to mess with dont be affraid to talk back at them. usually kids that mess with other kids is cuss there trying to show off but try to relax and just be urself and dont get in the drama

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