
First day with puppy.what should i have and do.?

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I'm getting a new puppy soon(maltese) and I'm wondering what exactly should i have and do for the puppy.thank you all.




  1. While this is an exciting time for you, i hope you will keep in mind that it can be a rather frightening time of adjustment for your new puppy. He will be leaving the security of his dam and littermates, and all else familiar for the first time, and experiencing a multitude of new sights, sounds, and smells. For these reasons, i recommend that you pick up your puppy on a quiet weekend, when you will have plenty of time to help him adjust to his new surroundings and he can be the center of your attentions.

    There are numerous items which you should have on hand before bringing a new puppy into your home. The most important of these are the "CRATE". Your puppies crate is his place of security: a safe enclosure when home alone or at those times when you can not provide supervision, a den in which to eat and sleep, and the safest place for him to ride when traveling.

    Puppy Proof  your home before your puppy gets there! Make sure harmful substances are kept well away from inquisitive little noses. All cleaning products, paint thinners, household chemicals, antifreeze etc. Secure electrical cords so they cannot be chewed.  Puppy should not be allowed to roam freely in the house unsupervised.  Puppies should be kept in an Ex-Pen or Crate when supervision is not possible.

    Puppies should only be given puppy toys to play with or chew. Never real bones, never shoes (they don't know the difference between new & old shoes), never cow or pig ears (can choke on them) and hooves only when supervised.  Do not give them anything that gets soft and they can swallow or things they can tear up easily and swallow.

    Whenever your puppy starts to chew an inappropriate object, take it away and give him an "approved toy". This way he will learn what is his and what isn't.

    Other items are leash, collar, ID tag, food, water bowls, dry kibbles if the puppy is starting to switch to dry food (start off with the one the breeder has been feeding, then slowly switch to another type), safe "chew" toys (kongs), nail clippers/styptic power, brush, dog shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush/toothpaste, and bed.

    If you have time, do some research for dog insurance.Then bring the puppy for a check up and have him get his vaccinations and microchip. I know some people don't agree with dog insurance, but I bought mine for emergency, in case something happens, I don't have to worry about being in debt and paying thousands of dollars for my dog's surgery.

    Hope this helps.

  2. First, take him to the vet and get him checked. You need a good puppy food made for small dogs. You will also need a water and food bowl, and a little bed for him to sleep on. He will need a few small chew toys as he should be quite active and teething. Good luck on your new puppy!

  3. You research the breed until you know everything there is to know.  You make sure you feed it a good quality dog food (not from the grocery store), train it, love it and take it to the vet regularly and finally have it spayed/neutered and everything should work out fine.

    Good luck

  4. Print this out and read it:

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