
First days at college?!?

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ive been at college for about 4 days, classes start soon and ive made a couple really good friends but havent really been to any parties yet, i dont really have an interest in going, im ususally exhausted from the days activities (my roomate is always out) rather meet a few great people who ill be friends with for a long time than 40 new faces who ill never see again. i dont really drink i missing out?




  1. Parties are a blast to go to.... if you just wanna get drunk. If you didn't go to any i wouldn't say you were missing out on anything. They aren't as fun as they look in the movies but they are fun. Its more fun though, to spend the night hanging out with a few close friends maybe having a couple drinks and just doing whatever...

  2. You've got the right idea.  an occassional party here and there sure is fun, tho...especially on weekends!!!!!!!!

  3. Hey,

    For my first two years of college I did not go out and party either, I didn't drink and I still was able to have fun with my friends. Most of your friends you will meet in your dorm, and in your classes. If you decide to join a club or two, which I recommend, you will have an even greater network.  I think college is what you make of it, if you don't want to be a drinker and party person, there are many people like you and plenty of other things to do.  In my junior and Senior year of college I definitely saw a change in my attitude and classes of mine were getting easier, so I had more free time, and i decided, because I was 21 to check out the bar scene, and it can be fun if you have a lot of friends you can TRUST to hang out with you at the bar, and make sure you get home ok and that you are having fun.  You may want to go to the bars just to check it out before you dismiss it.  But freshman yr is a year to really do well in school, because if you do poorly it's hard to get better.  Start strong and you can later make mistakes because you have something to fall back on.  

    I would suggest making more friends, because you'll always need advice from an array of people and having a diverse set of friends helps, especially if some are from classes and others are from the dorm.  

  4. i had the same sort of mentality when i went to college, and it was a little more difficult for me maybe because i transferred in as a junior and thought that i was there to get school done and get out.

    i definately regret it and now that i've graduated at barely 21 years old and am being thrown out into the real world of working a full time job with people who are all at least 10 years older than me... i really wish i would've taken advantage of college and gone out and had a good time partying with people around my age, meeting tons of new people, etc because i'm looking back and thinking i have to be an adult now and i haven't even done or had half as much fun as those 17 and 18 year old freshman are having and will have for the next 4 years, so they chose.

    i had the same idea to, who cares, all i want are a couple really close friends. and i still talk to them, but i found even connection wise after college it would've been great to know a ton more people to connect with for job hunting, etc. my boyfriend did the complete opposite thing as me in college - he was the type that went to those huge parties and would meet random people and get their numbers. now he has casual friends from allllll across the state we live in. so whenever he needs a place to stay or is bored and looking for something to do he can text or call up one of those people and see what's going on. and usually those people who go out to parties are pretty open and love being social and even if you haven't talked to them in a while or feel like you're not really good friends with them and have only seen their face a couple times, you'd be surprised at how open and inviting them will be. and chances are those 40 new faces you will see again if you continue to go out because chances are most people who go to 1 of those parties, is a regular and goes out to a bunch of other parties too. i found that even going to a HUGE university, after going to a couple parties you'll notice that the party circuit is pretty "small" and you really do see a lot of familar faces.

    but hey if you don't like going to parties and it's not your thing then don't go. i feel like i definately missed out because i was so against that path at the time. but i know a lot of people who weren't really partiers but managed to still be really social - one girl on my floor despised partying and that whole scene but she was really into her religion and joined a religious youth group on campus that turned out to be a really big group on campus and she was constantly out doing stuff with them and it was never partying or drinking that's for sure.

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