
First drink?

by  |  earlier

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Who remembers what their first drink was, and the circumstances and setting and stuff?




  1. i beleive mine was kahluah, snuck it from my parents back when i was 14 or so.

  2. My first drink was a Quebec beer that was 8%, haha, made the Alexander Keith's after it taste like water. I can't remember the name, which is really unfortunate, because that was an excellent bitter. I was in Ottawa at the time staying at a friend's, and fell asleep about 20 minutes later thinking I was drunk haha. Wasn't even close.

    My first legal drink was a Guinness Extra Stout at a local restaurant. I had just turned 19 so I figured I'd splurge and went all out with that and a 24oz steak and some dessert. $50 later...

  3. hahahahah it was smirnoff ice...

  4. i was 12 and i stole my dads beer can and took a sip and gave it back to him, lol

  5. 70 yr old brandy with my grandfather and dad, when I was 16.

  6. crown bomb (crown + redbull) at a bbq with friends

  7. beer when i was 8 years old in a bar

  8. my first drink was good old tennesee moonshine 1985 and i dranked so much i was on fire really i was dancin in a fire we had i dont remember getting to fire but i remember ppl saying i was dancin in h*ll with the devil

  9. a stella at a bar in paris at 2:00 am during a school trip.

  10. a very fun party...couple rounds of beer pong, LOTS of jello shots, followed by shot pong (with smirnoff) LOL

  11. jack daniels

    at a party

    thats all

  12. Smirnoff watermelon vodka at my friends house.

  13. Strawberry hill Boones Farm!! Lol. Back then it was 2/$5 at the store. And we would all drive out in the middle of a desserted road and sit on the hoods of our cars and drink Boones Farm...without a care in the world. Oh how I wish that $2.50 bottle still held those magical powers. Lol

  14. smirnoff. i put some in my soda just to see what would happen when i drank it. of course being my first time i didnt put alot. i was perfectly fine. i was about 14.
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