
First generation black, graduate from an Ivy League with a B average and a Conservative?

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Talking about someone with foreign parents from the Caribbeans...

Is it a defeated purpose to be Conservative and a product of immigrant minorities?

Why or why not?




  1. A defeated purpose? Of course not! You sound like you are smart and well educated, and looking to make your way to the top. Being a conservative is optimistic for your future. Being a liberal is pessimistic.

  2. My father is Greek and votes 100% Republican, then again

    he owned a fur factory

  3. Never say defeat. You are who you are.  

  4. No it is not. Many immigrants come to this country and believe in hard work. Your parents had the American dream, I am sure they have told you what your chances may of been like back in the old country.

    Learn to think for yourself as that is power. That is why Liberal dems do not like it when Blacks have a strong family and raise their children with values. Independence and self reliance scares them because they can not offer you help and you will not have to depend on them

    Have you ever noticed when a black person is successful and doesn't vote democrat they will revert to calling names. Condi race the called a sell out. Collin Powel they where calling a House N-word during the beginning of the Iraq War. You may be to young to remember they call Clarence Thomas a uncle tom.      

  5. In what way is conservatism being defined that would neutralize being a product of immigrant minorities?

    As you already know I am one, and conservatives do allow immigration and appreciate hard work. I am just curious how that can be interpreted as such that's all (directed at the people who think this way, I've seen a few people who do, I might ask this question myself as well)

    Edit: One more thing I like to add and its a real example. If you noticed most Cubans Americans are conservative republicans, reason being is that they escaped (meaning fled and taken in as refugees) from a government that took money away from the hardworking, and since the majority of republicans value less government (programs/intervention) as well as strong anti-communism policies and conservatives value hard work on the individual, this leads Cuban Americans to gravitate towards the right. It is all about your philosophies, which should be the main reason not what group you fall into or appearance.

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