
First grade spanish homeschool curriculm?

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Hi, does anyone know of an outline of a spanish homeschool curriculum for a first grader. I need printables and possible songs for learning...I haven't really find many things yet. If u guys know anything I will truly appreciate it.




  1. There are tons of places online to get free printables.

    Check with your local library to see if they have Rosetta Stone access for free - many do.

    The library may have Muzzy Spanish, which is great for the Kdg-2nd age group.

    Here's a free site that's fun:

    Your library may have the Jump Start Spanish CD-rom.

    Power-Glide now has online courses.  We're using the middle school Spanish 1:

  2. Go to BJU Press. They have a bunch of things for 1st grade spanish.

  3. Have you looked at Rosetta Stone? It's a computer program. They show you 4 pictures and then you learn the Spanish works by listening and clicking on the pictures. It's a really natural way to learn a foreign language much the same way a 2 year old might learn english words.

    Then I would also get Spanish picture books from the library and watch Disney movies in Spanish. There's a a lot of fun ways to layer it in!

    Best of Luck!


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