
First horse please help?

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Ok so I have decied to put together a gift bag for my friends birthday. I am going to put shampoo, conditionar, horse treats, maybe some cheap brushes I don't know yet, and one of those carrying things that you keep your grooming stuff in, what else should I put in there nothing to expensive please thanks




  1. Mabye new rains or bridle, shovel for scooping p**p!

  2. hmm..well if she rides english get her a pretty saddle pad & matching polos!

    get her a new halter & lead :)

  3. Get some fly spray. Hoof picks are always helpful, get one of those with the brushes on the end, those are very helpful. I'd say just get various horse grooming items, get some bath things also, like  get a bucket, put the whole shampoo, conditioner in there, and then you can get a big sponge or two, a sweat scraper. A lead rope could come in handy, you can never have too many of those.

    If you can find one, get a curry mit. Those things are the bomb for doing legs. :] Um, I'd say you are on the right track.

  4. That's a great idea!  One thing you would want to be sure of is that you don't buy things that your friend already has.  If it's their first horse though, the things you suggested would be perfect!  If it were me getting this gift, here's what I would want:

    -Fly spray

    -Hoof pick


    -Horse treats

    -Maybe a mane/tail braiding kit (if your friend likes that kind of thing)

    -Galloping boots (If your friend likes certain colors, try to get them in those colors---galloping boots are always good to have, but were one of those things that I just couldn't get right away because there was so much other stuff I had to get)

    -Lead rope (get a really cool one, they are always fun to have since they get used so much)

    -If you get a tack box to but it all in, I would suggest getting a fabric one that has a shoulder strap on it.  I have used both that kind and the plastic ones.  I much prefer the fabric one---it's great it you have to carry it places and it doesn't take up much space.

    Good luck shopping, and I hope your friend has a great birthday!

  5. oh thats so cool your a great friend. um fly spray, Rags ( lol i always know i need rags for cleaning tack, putting stuff on inguries and other stuff like that.

  6. Fly Spray is good for gifts, or maybe a new curry comb.

  7. Shampoo, coat conditioner, fly spray, treats = super useful :-)

    Instead of grooming brushes (she will probably have some already) I would get her one of the special bath mitt things that you can get. There are several types specially designed for bathing horses :-) They are great for removing loose hair and lifting out dirt.


  8. bright colored leadropes or polo wraps are always fun

  9. detangler!!!!

    i absolutely love this-

    and these are the most comfortable socks everrrr. i ride western and everyone asks me why i wear english socks.... then i buy them a pair and their like OMG!!! these are amazing!!

    this is my favorite hoof pick-

    another rally cute idea is to go buy some horse charms and beads and make her a bracelet or necklace or cell phone charm

    and the saddle blanket is a good idea if she rides english, you could buy hot fix crystals and spell her name out on the blanket. you could also do that to a halter for her

  10. It's called a grooming tote and you could consider the following...

    fly spray

    hoof pick

    curry comb

    ultra coat gloss

    hoof conditioner

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