
First horse show? Advice?

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Hi, i am just wondering about horse shows. I have a 20 year old appaloosa who has done only about 5 shows in his lifetime with his old owner. I have never taken him away from the ranch before.

I am wondering what it is like taking a horse to a show.

Dont the horses act up cause of all the people and cause it is a new setting?

I am kinda nervous about riding in an arena that we never have been in before.

Any tips for a first time shower? Has anyone had a problem with their horse at a show before?

Just wondering thanks,

i am just a bit nervous about everything.

Show advice please on every aspect, i know nothing about shows!




  1. well if ur horse has been 2 horse shows before then he knows wut its like. i suggest that u go to the arena that u are showing in and ride in it before the show. Mabey a day before the crowds. It helps ur horse relax in the new envirerment. Good luck and have fun. shows are fun and enjoyable and are for u and ur horse to exprience together! Make sure u stand proud and ur horse will follow. Take him to a mini circuit show to get urself used to the show envirerment. ur horse will react to how u feel so RELAX!!!

  2. That is great news!!  Good luck to you and Hap!!

    Are you riding english or western..or in your case both?? he he  What classes?

    Do you have a pair of clippers?  If so, you should clip his ears, fetlocks, around the coronet band and a bridle path and whiskers.  If it were me, I would also clip his white stocking on his rear leg...but if your not experienced if not done right could look messy with clipper you can just make sure it is clean and white and then practice some other time.

    I can tell you not to be nervous but you will be..we all are..anxious!!  But I think he'll take good care of you...he'll look good with a little excitement going through him!!

    Being that your going for 5 days, he ar a few more things to add to your list...

    ~Feed and Feed Bucket, hay and hay nets,

    ~Extra lead ropes or something for cross ties     or for tying when in stall to saddle, groom etc.

    ~shampoo, sponge and bucket and water hose (if not provided) and grooming and bathing brushes.  Bring a scrubby sponge to clean his hooves...especially the white ones (sometimes we use sandpaper too).  It will also smooth them if your using hoof polish.

    ~Show Sheen, vaseline, first aid kit-human and horse

    ~Tack cleaning stuff--leather conditioner, silver polish or simichrome for the bits--must be shiny!!

    Saddle and bridle racks, towels, of course the tack and saddle pads

    ~Rake, manure fork, stall cleaning supplies, broom

    ~chairs for sitting around the barn-snacks, water, treats for Hap, mirror for dressing room, needle and thread (just in case) safety pins, scissors, hair net, make-up

    ~a light sheet for he won't get dirty when he lays down, leg wraps for traveling, fuzzies for halters to act as bumpers while in the trailer.  His Coggins and other necessary papers.

    I have all these things packed up and ready to go in totes or some I keep in my trunk and then it is always ready to go.  It will take one time to organize and get everything together--but then it will be ready for the next show!!  

    Well, others hae offered good advise too so put everything together..before hand so you will have that much less to worry about and be able to concentrate on you.

    Let us know how you made out..If I think of anything else, I'll write back!!

    And, thanks for the compliment, I enjoy helping you and Hap!!


    Ooops..sweat scraper, garbage can, paper towels and other stuf like that, plates, eating utensils.

  3. i wouldn't worry about it. if you're calm, he'll be calm. and if geldings are good at home, they are usually consistent at shows. plus he's older.

    now i've had some problems with mares......but that's a different story

  4. First of all, don't be nervous.  It's just a horse show, who cares if you don't place.  Just try to ride your best, and no matter what happens, you'll be happy.

    You should expect that you're horse might be a little strong/excited/nervous at the horse show.  My horse is a great guy, but at his first horse show he practically dragged me around the whole course.  I had to just sit up and hold him together, and everthing worked out.  Eventually he's started to calm down.  But don't be surprised if your horse is stronger than normal.

    Have fun, it should be a learning experience.

  5. Relax and have fun.  I was scared out of my mind to take my first horse to a show.  Found out he loved all the other "equine" companionship and felt right at home.  Try to go early and practice in the ring, some places allow it.  I knew nothing about shows but I think that worked in my favor, I had no expectations of winning or ribbons, just being a part of it was enough for me to feel succesful.  Make a list the day before and run down it before you go, especially any paperwork you will need such as papers or health certificates.

    Breath and I hope you have fun and meet some great people. And horses!

  6. well ive been to many horse shows. i remember my first show. u get nervous at the first couple of them. every horse show is different and you dont kno wat to expect. since your horse is twenty she should be okay because probably already been to one before. but just be calm and have fun since it is your first time. like i said ive been to many horse shows and my horses have sometimes acted up but if u calm them down then u and the horse will have a good time and it will be okay jus go and have fun

  7. Well since your horse has been to five shows with his old owner I think he will be pretty fine. And since hes more of a senior horse he probably be pretty good.

    You should try to get there a little more earlier to walk him around and make sure he will be fine before you show. It all depends on the horses. If its a very cool, calm and non spooky horse than they probably wont have a problem with the people.

    Make sure you have lots of time to warm up your horse in the riding arena let him sniff everything so that he wont be nervous.

    When you bathe him always start at his feet and work your way up. Have someone hold him while you are bathing him its alot easier.

    I took my fist pony to his first show and ended up not showing. It was his very first show and he is kind of a brat and really green. He was 8 and his owners never really finished training him and never showed him. So anyways I took him into the ring to warm up and get him used to everything and he decided to buck me off:O So I sat in a lawn chair all while holding him waiting for everyone to get done there classes. But the next show we went to he was SOO good. We got 2 first 1 fourth and 1 seconde. He was amazing. He goes better at shows than at home. Man I miss that pony.

    Good luck and have fun!

  8. well, preparing for a show is alot of work so ill talk you through it.

    You need to wash your horse the night before and make it look all nice and glam.

    then get all your stuff ready the night before too because you wont have tinme in the morning.

    on the day of the show ou need to be up for about 6. getting yourself ready and your horse but if it was cleaned and everyhting the night before you should only have to brush him.

    give yourself plenty of time to load up in case you forget anything or your horse has any problems getting into the trailer/box.

    make sure you arrive with plenty of time to unload, get all your stuff out, tack up and warm up, all this should comfortably take about 2 hours.

    then make sure you know where you are and which ring your in and your number then wait. you sould park as close as you can to your ring but this is not always possible so make sure you know exactly where you are.

    then m ake sure you bought some water to wash off your horse with and a rug to keep hinm warm while he is drying off.

    then pack up and thats your day done!

    hope it helped heres a list of things you will need:

    For you:

    The correct clothing for your class E.g if your jumping you will need Jodpours etc...


    correct boots


    Plenty to drink (for you and horse)

    a book to read


    For your Horse:

    travel boots

    cooler rug (preferably a sweat sheet or fleece cooler)

    grooming kit

    tail bandage

    spare lead rope

    spare headcollar

    big bottle of water (for washing horse after)


    spare haynet for return journey

    hoof pick

    bucket (for water)

    p**p bucket

    i also think it is more sesible to ask someone who is going to a show if you can put him in their box and just walk him around a bit, not competing but just getting him used to the crowd and all the new sounds and smells there.

    Lastly, dont be too disapointed if he doesnt go well on your first show. just tell him hes a good boy for trying and maybe have an other go in a few weeks.

  9. don't worry, it's not as bad as you think. if there is any way possible, take him the night before. that is when i like to get my horse ready for the show. do a light ride in the arena, let him cool down in the stall, then bathe and groom him. in my opinion this really helps, b/c your horse has a good chance to get used to it before everyone else gets there. if people are allowed stall over night there are going to be people there never the less, but still it is good for him. walk him around in his halter and/or ride him around.

        and with him being blind in one eye, it shouldn't really be a problem. unless he gets very confused and clumsy, then hat my affect your scoring in front of the judge. but even if you don't place in all or any of your classes, first shows are more for experience and fun. and just remember to breath and relax and you'll do just fine.

  10. i think its fun

    my mom horse was a little high spirited and he acted fine in the show ring

    i was nervous when in first starting showing  when i was little i still get a little nervous but its normal to feel nervous

    tip: relax its better for the horse

    your welcome

    if your halter showing remeber to always face the judge when she is at your horse

  11. well my horse i just took to her first show, and it was my 1st show too.

    she was really wound up she was really really paying attention to everything. it took her like 3hrs to calm down. she was just whinnying  A LOT to the other horses she came with cause she was unsure and horses have that herd instinct.

    every horse is different. your horse might be totally fine.

    my horse did calm down enough. we placed in every class we went in.

    good luck with it.  make sure you have someone who knows how shows work go with you.. it makes it all so much easier.

    good luck

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