
First i propose ,she dint tel anything,i want to try ones more i want some ideas?

by Guest67109  |  earlier

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First i propose ,she dint tel anything,i want to try ones more i want some ideas?




  1. hey guys yeah this is rite she is thinking. but but but  i think u should keep in her touch regular and by talking but not at this topic u should talk on other matters.and u should give her much care from your side. and sent lovely msg. with nice flowers like gentleman so best of luck! be a cool always


  3. 1) Hang up a gigantic poster at a public place saying, "Will you marry me...?"

    2) Chuck her a bonquet of flowers and she catches them and you go, "AHA! YOU'RE GOING TO GET MARRIED ARENT YOU HUH? soo... will you marry me..?"

    3) Get her a plastic ring with a cheap plastic stone. "Will you reject me?" *hold up plastic ring* "Orrr...." *take out the omigod-it's-the-rock-! ring* and say, "Will you marry me?"

    4) Get on a TV show you know that she watches and say, "Will you marry me?"

    5) Decorate the exterior of her house with "Will you marry me?" posters and then in the morning when she sees all that she will have a heart attack. (nah kidding she'd probably just faint :D)

    6) Go to a Chinese restaurant where they serve fortune cookies and get one specially made for the girl of your dreams by putting a message that says "You will marry a handsome man who is brandishing a diamond ring at you right this minute." inside the cookie *you brandish ring and say, "Will you marry me??? and oh by the way what's your fortune?"

  4. may be she wants u to bow down before her &beg her-to accept ur proposal.

  5. use a maybe ask her to do a load of your clothes..and put a note in the washer, asking her in the note.

    or a snowman. use your own imagination.

  6. If u type like this everyone will be confused!

    Maybe she is think about ur prop.

  7. I suggest that you wait One more year, dont even bring it back up it will drive her crazy.  she will be sitting there the whole year wondering why you are acting like it never happen and when will you ask her again or if you will even do so.  When a year is up propose to her one more time in a romantic area that you to share it dosent have to be fancy or expensive just special.  When you ask here to marry you again she will be so happy and relived that she will say yes if not maybe you should get back on the market cause if you dont she will.  Have patience Daniel son.

  8. Ooh...if she didn't say anything, you need to wait until she gives you a sign that she's ready. If you push it too much you might scare her away...

  9. she's thinking it over ask again in a few days

  10. Was it a verbal or written proposal?  Maybe she was confused.

  11. typing lessons? AA? all good choices for 6 am

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