
First job interview tomorrow, any advise?

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So tomorrow I got my first job interview and I am very nervous, I feel like I'm gonna mess up or I'm gonna look stupid. Any advise on how I should act or what I should say? Thanks guys




  1. i just got my first job and i had an interview too. At first i felt a little nervous and i thought they might not like me but i just smiled and answered their questions thoughtfully and i ended up getting the job. The girls training me said that like 6 other people interviewed for my job. Just be yourself!

  2. Get there early and spend some time chatting up the receptionist.

    My boss hates when people are late for their interviews. Im a secretary and I always put in a good word about a applicant if we talk and I like them. It really does help, be confident but not cocky....good luck!

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