
First kiss help ?

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hey im fourteen and iv never madeout with a guy before. im really scared he`ll think im a bad kisser ! am i pathetic ? how are you a goood kisser ? how was your first time ? i dont want it to be awkward becasuse i reallly like the guy




  1. Wow i remember my first makeout. I was in the eighth grade. It is akward at first but you get a hang of it. I really didnt have a problem with the guy and making iout with him because it was his first time too. Now guys tell me all the time that im a good kisser. Just tell him you have never kissed like that before. Mayber he hasnt either. Maybe he is just as nervous about it as you are. And if he thinks different about you because you don quit know how to kiss yet. Hes a jerk.

    Good luck.


  2. some guys might actually find this s**y,

    i read in a cosmo a few months back, that said if you think you are a bad kisser ask your dude, "could you help me? I'm not really sure where to put my tongue..." then kinda l**k, well TOUCH your tongue to his mouth.

    he should help you out. and he may even think it was cute.


  3. yo u fist got to find the right guy.  den wait bout lk a week or 2 then u just go for it or he will.  just let him do his thing.  if he gives u toungue then just lk stick wit it.  have fun. and dont worry bout that most likely he wont be the greatest kisser ever either

  4. Naah, your not pathetic! There are tons of girls at my school who haven't made out at 14 years old. My school is really behind (it's all-girls). Most girls haven't even had boyfriends and probably 70% of the seniors haven't had s*x (not saying that's bad, but I'm sure that there's more people at co-ed schools who have boyfriends and s*x earlier)

    He probably will know it's your first time if you go into the kiss without confidence and if you hesitate, but he won't think you are pathetic! Confidence is really the key to becoming a good kisser. I had my first kiss at 12 and made out at 13, so your only a year behind me (I'm 14 now too).

    The first time, I was with a guy who was really experienced and I had known him for ages but just started going out with him. He told me that he had liked me for a really long time and couldn't wait to kiss me, so that kind of put more pressure on making it amazing. I did what you did and asked a billion questions and looked up "how to kiss" videos, but in the end, none of it really worked. It ended up okay, it was amazing because I really liked that guy and I had liked him for over a year. And we're still going out and he kisses me a lot now, so that's a good sign I didn't mess up (:

    It seriously just comes with the more practice. Like the first time you hold hands you might be sweaty or the first time you cuddle you don't know what to do with your arms, but then in a while is comes naturally and you do whatever feels right.

    Good Luck! Tell me how it went (:


  5. That's okay. I was thirteen, (Way too young in my book) when I did, and it went okay.. He never said if I was a good kisser or not, I think I suck, and I don't like kissing.. like at all. It's disgusting. My time was awkward and scarred me for life..

    Butttttttttttttttt if you really really have these feelings for him, I'm positive it will go 100% A-okay. =) Trust me. now, if I waited till I found the boy  I  "love" then it wouldn't have turned out like that, I'm sure.

  6. ha unless he makes out all the time he is 14 so he wont be thinking d**n she is a bad kisser he is gonna be thinking how to i hide my ***** kkkk

  7. been there done that...

    i felt the same way as you and so did all of my friends its only normal...

    i always asked my more experienced friend to tell me how to do it and they all said the same thing "it just comes natural"

    well im gonna tell you the same thing IT WILL COME NATURAL... the only advice i can give is not to open your mouth too much or youll slobber all over him...

    the first guy i made out with was 2 years older than me and i had liked him for years so i told him that i had been to third base (downstairs) after we made out he told me i was a really good kisser and he never knw the difference lol

    that was a year ago and i am now very sexually confident... dont think or worry about it until it actually happens or youll freak yourself outt. i promise things will work out.

    if he already knws you havent kissed someone b4 tell him he can teach you in a really flirty way.

  8. thats not true. chances are he'll try to help you not think ur pathetic. and just because you havent made out with any one doesnt nessacarily mean your a bad kisser. how woyuld you know. so just tell him that youve never kissed any one and i'm sure he'll try to help you if he's a good person.

  9. i was 18 when i had my first kiss.  i never regretted leaving it that long, because my first kiss was with someone i really cared about.  at the time he was 21 and it was his first kiss too - we used to both be very shy as teenagers, and needed to be that bit older to be comfortable with it.  even though it wasn't great, we just practiced at it until we got better!

    if he cares about you, he'll be patient with you and show you how he likes to be kissed.

  10. Everything just comes me.

  11. It's completely normal to have never made out, let alone kiss, at the age of 14. You are certainly not pathetic for being scared. If anything it shows how much you like him because his reaction and opinion means the world to you. Don't worry, just let it happen, because how you will kiss naturally is usually the most comfortable and pleasing way of doing so.

    I was able to please my boyfriend so I am assuming I'm okay. My first time was timid (it will always be that way). We were both a little shy, but then it got easier.

    But remember, shy and gentle is not awkward.

    Don't worry, just let everything naturally happen.

  12. DON'T- Try and put your tongue in his mouth. It's a first kiss, keep it simple

    DO- have breath mints ALWAYS on hand

    DO- respond to what he does. If you kiss him very lightly on the lips (a good starting-off point), and he seems to like it, then stay there for just a second longer.

    DON'T- make it too long. You don't want it to seem like you crazy-glued your faces together.

    DON'T- go nuts if it doesn't turn out well. They'll be plenty of other kisses.

  13. well my first kiss was just a peck on the lips. After that I just relaxed and followed along. Just keep in mind not to do anything out of the blue.

  14. you shouldn't worry too much about your first kiss.  It will be special no matter what.  Just try not to think about it too much when you do it.  Chances are, the person you are going to kiss for the first time is not going to be exceptional in your opinion.  Honestly, there is not "perfect" way of kissing.  Everyone kisses different.  

    Just relax a little and enjoy it.  When you do it with someone you care about it is very meaningful.  :)

  15. First stop being never. You have to let it flow and your kiss will come when you are ready.If you are thinking to much than you will not get the feel of the moment and that will make you a bad kisser. tell him the truth and if he really love you the he will be ok with it and show you the way.
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