
First military pay? When should it be expected now?

by Guest66993  |  earlier

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When is it going to come?

My husband is in at Navy Basic training. He graduates August 29th 2008.

I have been waiting for his pay 6 weeks now.

Missed four pay days. July 1st, July 15th, August 1st and now the 15th.

Could they be holing it until after he graduates or just taking there time to put the information into the system?

I'm curious, because he wants me to get our apartment and set up for our baby due in October but we can't when this happens. I'm just looking for things to settle my mind. I know they will do back pay and all but still.... ^_^ lol I'm an impatient soon-to-be mommy right now!




  1. alright let me break it down for u...

    When u first arrive there.. hes using his VERY first paycheck to buy everything that he needs for boot camp.. so thats why theres no money.. and he probably hasn;t put u on his account yet.. soo.. thats prob another reason.. while ur in boot camp.. everything is scheduled so most likely he won't see the bank until he graduates..  

  2. Somewhere between 3 weeks and a month.

    First check are usually given to the recruit.  You may not receive direct deposit until he's out of boot camp.  His Company Commander should be able to give him the information that you are requesting.

    You understand, once you have your military ID card, you will be able to go to "any" military base hospital to have your baby at no cost to you?  If you need to go sooner, go to your nearest Naval recruiter and ask them what you need to do.

    And a word of advice:  If the posted speed limit on base is 15mph, don't do 20.  The military police (or Master of Arms or SP), will pull you over in a heart beat!  And you can get your husband in trouble with his Commanding Officer.

    Good luck.

    Navy, it's not just a job, it's an adventure!

  3. They probably paid him directly while in training.  That's how they did it when I was in, though that was a while ago and a lot of things have changed, so I can't be 100% sure.  Don't worry, you'll get it.

  4. I received my 1st pay check not on the first pay day but the next one.  I left for basic April 14th, no pay on the 15th, but on the 1st of may I ot paid.  I would talk to him, he can talk with his superiors and get help that way.  The only legitimate 6 week delay is if the account numbers were input incorrectly.  Have him talk to someone.  He needs to get this figured out soon.

  5. the Navy takes it sweet time.  minimum is six weeks. Usually its eight.  I waited all Nine weeks for DH to get paid.( at least the Marines tell you up front they won't pay you until after Boot camp).  But this was back before DD was the norm.  

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