
First month TTC after miscarriage 8 months ago.?

by  |  earlier

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I used to come on here ALL the time while I was TTC last year. I became pregnant in Dec 07, and lost the baby in Jan 08. I've had a total of 3 or 4 periods since then. Seems as if my periods are finally adjusting back to what seems normal.

For some odd reason, I feel like this may be my lucky month...

I'm relaxed about it... Just feel like maybe, just maybe... This is my month.

AF should finish in 3 days. I'm armed with OPK, and pregnancy tests. Plan to BD every other day all month until AF is supposed to arrive. I'm also tanking my temps...just to take them. Don't know how accurate since I have weird sleeping habbits.

Anyways, I dont really have a question to ask, since I basically know what I have to do. Guess I just wanted someone to listen.

I'm 27 and I know no one my age who is TTCing, so I'm all on my own.

Thanks, and I'll keep everyone updated. Wish me luck!




  1. honey i wish you the best , i just went thru a miscarriage a few weeks ago ,I'm scared to TTc again, I'm waiting my 3 months, but good luck with everything.....

  2. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm 23 and ttc#1. I hope this is the month for both of us! Good luck!

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