
First month using OPK?

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This is my first time trying those ovulation test sticks. I have a fairly regular cycle that lasts 30-32 days with only 3-4 days of bleeding. My last cycle started on 13 July. The instructions had me starting to test on 26 July. I've been TTC for nearly 3 years (long story) so I'm paranoid that I don't really know when I ovulate. Started testing on 24 July. First 2 days were neg (only line was in control window), next 3 days were faint, now this a.m. again only line in control window. The instructions said the line needed to be "AS DARK OR DARKER THAN" the control line for a pos. I didn't think the line on the 3 days was as dark, let alone darker. Me and hubby BD'd 23, 25, 27, & 28. I'm taking prenatal vit & 400 mcg of folic acid (& have been since Jan 2005). Blood tests say my hormones are normal. Hubby is going to doc to get checked out next week. We have a 5yr old daughter together & only took 3 cycles to get pg with her.

Do you think that the faint lines were my ovulation?




  1. To be honest....I think your testing at the wrong times...Now Im no expert with OPK's....and have only tried them once but..from my knowledge your only suppose to test mid day...not in the morning because you cannot detect a LH surge....well at least thats what I was told.....try testing about later on in the day....well best of luck

  2. Well I'm not really sure about the lines. I've read so many people's posts on YA that they have problems reading the opks with the lines, so I bought the Clear Blue Easy OPK that has either an empty circle (not ovulating) or smiley face (ovulating). Muuuuuuchhhh easier to determin then line darkness.

    I have also recently read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" book, which was very interesting and had lots of good information about temperature charting, cervical fluid charting, and cervix position charting. The book was about $24 and had free charting software with it.

    I'd recommend reading that book (also comes with free blank charts) and buying a digital opk so you don't have to deal with looking for darker lines.

    The fact that you've already got a daughter shows that you can get pregnant, so that's very good. I would say reading the book and getting a digital will help ya to get #2 going.

    Dust to ya!

  3. Honestly, I couldnt tell you, and I know a lot.  Ive often wondered myself how a stick could tell you are ovulating based on waiting for a certain color.  Even when you are pregnant, different women have different amounts of HCG, and some women dont even test positive until they are almost 6 weeks into it.  So how on earth can a stick tell if you are ovulating.  What if we all get different amounts of the ovulation hormone?  

    In any case...

    I hate ovulation tests for that very reason.  If you are doing that alone, I understand it can be very frustrating.  I tried for two months to determine whether I was ovulating or not with them, last year I think.  At the end of the two months I finally gave up and started charting.  Finally I figured out my ovulation.

    I recommend charting.  It might be a pain in the butt, but its essentially foolproof.  Check out, they have great tips.
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