
First night in toddler bed... HELP?

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Our 2 year old is in her toddler bed for the 1st time tonight. So far it's not going so well. She picked out her own bedding and loves it, we read a book, and I "tickled her tummy" , but she's not wanting to stay in it. Any suggestions on how to keep her there?




  1. I'm watching this question closely... we're about to put my 18 m.o. in a toddler bed in preparation for the arrival of our next one in Jan - hopefully I've given myself enough time!

    Good luck! Hope you get a good night's sleep - I have a feeling you'll sleep lightly though, just waiting for her to get up :-)


    some more answers for you in this question.

  3. Be consistent.  If she gets up, remind her she is a big girl now and sleeps in her big girl bed.  

    I was son was only 19 months old when we had to put him in a toddler bed because he would LAUNCH himself out of the crib.  Our crib converted and it wasn't too much a diffrence for him.  He wouldn't come out of him room...even in the morning.  We closed the door (I have a 60 lb. dog that likes to get in bed with you) and he would knock on his door every morning and shout "Good morning mommy!!" until I got up to get him.

    Now he's 3.5 and gets up about 3-4 nights a week and tries to come into my room to tell me that he wants to "cuddle" with me. Love it...but I tell him we'll cuddle in his bed and I get up and take him back.  Some nights are harder than others and if he comes into the bedroom after 5:30 am, I let him jump in bed with us because I am getting up in 10-15 minutes anyway.  It seems he always sleeps sounder when he's in our bed...but again only early in the morning and occasionally when he's sick.

  4. Oh, my goodness. I had the same trouble. Honestly, I wound up putting the baby bed back up because my son would not stay in the bed. He was also 2. I think it was too young. We never had trouble with him trying to get out of the baby bed. I think the freedom to get up and move around is just too much for them. Sorry I couldn't  be more help. Remember, don't be afraid to go back to what was working and try again in a few months.  

  5. same problem i had with my son.....he jsut strated in his new bed too....i just sit there with him until he falls asleep and then when he woke up  and saw he was in his bed he was ok, he still wanted me in there for a few more days, but hes set now! sometimes he wants me to come sit by him ofr a few mins, but not til he falls alseep...hope this is helpful!!!

  6. Good luck! Make sure you put her back in her own bed each and every time. When I put my oldest daughter in a toddler bed, she got up repeatedly. When she woke up in the middle of the night,and came to my bed, I always got up and put her back in her own bed. She is 6 now and has never had a problem going to bed and sleeping on her own. My son on the other hand usually ended up sleeping in my bed. When I put him in a toddler bed, I also had a younger daughter still in a bassinet. At first, getting him to go to bed worked out ok. In the middle of the night, he would get up and come to my bed. Because I was tired from being up with the younger baby, I just let him climb in and sleep with me. Boy if I knew then what I was getting myself into, it wouldn't have happened. After allowing my son to do this for about 2 months, my husband wouldn't have it anymore. He helped by getting up and putting him back to bed over and over again. Normally the fit throwing with him screaming "I'm sleeping with my mommy", woke up my other 2 children. At that time even getting him to bed to start the night was not pleasant. He is almost 3 now and we have had to realy hard on it, but he only gets up about twice a week now and goes back to his own somewhat easier.  My youngest daughter is almost ready for a toddler bed. I will be putting her back in bed each and every time.

    I really don't have any suggestins on how to keep her ther other than replacing her every time she gets up. I see you've got her to sleep. It should all go smooth now. Just be sure you stick with the toddler bed, don't let start coming to your bed.

    Good luck!  

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