
First of all, join me to mark the earth day? Secondly what can we do that is most effective?

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Its very important and every one of us can contribute. either by switching your bulb or reducing your waste print outs... any little thing. What can we do today to contribute this very important day?




  1. I plan to build a bonfire and sing happy birthday to Vladimir Lenin.

  2. Great!!!....I think that a Very good and Simple way to be effective in your efforts would be to get as many people you can to lower the temp. settings on their Water-Heaters....It also would SAVE MONEY!,,,so would you?..........

  3. As one person, I pick up everything that does'nt belong to Mother nature and I plant a tree. It all helps. Peace

  4. Sorry, I have no intention of celebrating Lenin's birthday...

    Earth day is merely a thinly veiled attempt to advocate a Socialist agenda. One of the "founders" of Earth Day, John McConnell, has written that in 1969 he proposed to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors a new holiday to be called Earth Day on the first day of spring, the Equinox, around March 21. But, he writes, in 1970 local anti-Vietnam War and Environmental Teach-in activists "who were planning a one-time event for April 22, also decided to call their event Earth Day."

    And guess what this "one-time event" was...It was the 100th birthday celebration for Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, known to history as Lenin. As a result, the planners decided to go with this date instead. The Socialist party has simply donned the guise of environmentalists so that they can advocate that it is necessary for you to give up your rights of ownership, redistribute wealth, and destroy capitalism, all in favor of the "greater good" and Mother Earth.

  5. Well, living here in the lovely mountains of VA, today I hope to assist in the clearing of many acres of nice timber, to be used to make things we need, like paper that you write on, lumber that built the house you live in, pencils that you use to work with, cardboard that you will get your next pizza in.

    Then tonight, I will grill on charcoal made from Real wood, some nice pieces of grain feed meat, that was raised on what was once wood land as well,  

    And as to changing bulbs?  

    When they are equal to, not great than the cost of a normal bulb, then I will consider changing.  Until then I will just keep on keeping on.

  6. plant a frickin' tree!

    Be sure to watch all the globull warming propoganda on the "Herstoy Channel!"  As far as the channel and Al Gore are concerned, globull climate change IS part of herstory already!  *laughter*

  7. Don't purchase anything made in China.  US manufacturers intentionally moved operations there because of their lax to non existent environmental laws.

  8. We all have to find out about our pollution stamp...

    with all this talk about global warming, and CO2 stamps,

    Do your part to make up for all the people not polluting.

    Litter twice as much as you normally do...

    Get creative, instead of planting a tree, plant plastic water bottles... they're poisoning us anyway

    instead of driving your Honda.... Rent a diesel UHAUL and drive that around today, fill up after 12 noon, fill the cargo box with recyclables, and drive around with the gate up.

  9. everybody knows that the one thing for this one is to do recycling and planting trees to be able to contribute for this event but for the most valuable thing that can be contribute is to change our selves and make this event to be more relying and understandable to all who is involved by this thing.

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