
First period after miscarriage, how long did yours last?

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Mine was very painful and heavy on the first day, lots of bleeding. Cramps almost stopped on the second day, still heavy-ish bleeding. Third day, blood on when wiped. Fourth day, only drops occassionally throughout the day.

wondered if this is normal and what others experienced.

my miscarriage was early at 6 weeks and his happened about a month ago.

many thanks!




  1. Sorry to hear you had a MC, i had mine at around the same time (6 weeks) your bleeding sounds normal for first period after the MC - but then again everyone is different - some women have period lasting 2 or 3 days others have it lasting 5-7 days. My first period after my MC lasted for 4-5 days, I then waited for another period before trying to conceive again, but thats up to you yourself and how you are feeling emotionally and mentally - all the best if you do decide to go for it again!  I conceived straight away after 2nd period and carried successfully. Most women do go on to have a successful pregnancy after a MC.

  2. OMG I had a miscarriage at exactly the same time as you, 6 weeks.  My first period after it was very early.  It came like 2 weeks after the miscarriage.  It lasted for about a week which is very unusual for me as they normally last 4/5 days.  The doctor did warn me this may happen though as it takes a while for your body to get back to normal after experiencing a miscarriage.

  3. Mine was well weird.  Stopped half way then started again.  10 days in all.  Everyone is different.  It'll take a few months for body to sort itself out, so don't stress about it.

  4. Sorry to hear about your loss.I had my first miscarriage june 25th 2008.I was 7w5d when i had my miscarriage.after the miscarriage i could feel ovulation pains(i didn't have them before the miscarriage) so i knew my period would come on soon.the first period only lasted the normal 3 days for far i've had to normal periods.

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