
First person to get a dual nationality???????

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As per my knowledge it was either Indira Gandhi or Adolph Hitler




  1. First? Who knows? If you go back not so many centuries, there were no real borders; you could go where you wanted, meaning anyone could be a "dual nationality".

  2. The first documented case of dual nationality that I can think of was Paul (formerly known as Saul) of Tarsus (in modern-day Turkey), an apostle of New Testament fame.  Paul was very proud of his lineage as an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, circumcised on the eighth day (Philippians 3:3).  However, he was also a Roman citizen, appealing convictions from Judea to Rome (Acts 22:35 and Acts 27-28).

    Perhaps you mean Mahatma Gandhi, who served with the British forces in South Africa and started his career as an activist for Indian rights there before moving back to India in 1915?

    Hitler, a native of Austria, originally moved to Munich from Vienna to escape conscription.  After the Austrians arrested Hitler for evading the draft, he flunked his physical exam, but upon entering a contrite plea, he was allowed him to remain in Munich.  When Germany entered World War I, Hitler then petitioned King Ludwig III of Bavaria to serve in a Bavarian regiment and was accepted.  Hitler, however, didn't officially become a German citizen until 1932.

  3. I think you've confused Indira Gandhi with Golda Meir. But the first person was probably back a couple dozen centuries. Royals in Europe have been doing it for ages...especially the Habsburgs. Marie Antoinette was still Austrian when she married the King of France. Alinor of Aquitaine was queen of both France and England. Residents of Miquelon were both Canadian and French....and they still extend dual citizenship (and a French passport) to anyone who descends from the original settlers exiled from Acadia. Golda Meir was an American from Milwaukee who was also an early Israeli. But I believe she renounced her American citizenship when the US recognized the sovereignty of Israel. Gandhi was Indian her whole life.

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