
First prenantal apt tomorrow?

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I am setting myself up for the biggest dissappointment and I can't stop myself. I was pregnant with twins earlier this year and lost them at 6 months in FEb. I can't stop thinking about twins.. I have my first apt tomorrow and I'll be having an interanl ultrasound... I know the chances of being blessed with twins again is impossible... I know I will be blessed with one baby and pray that he/she is born healthy.. I know this all in my head.. but I can't stop wishing for twins again. I am so afraid of being SO disappointed tomorrow... and I feel horrible for feelings this way. Anyone else loose multiples and feel the same way?




  1. Of course you'll be thinking about having more than one baby, it's a natural reaction after your loss. You have been through a horrible experience and I think it would be more unusual for you NOT to be thinking of your last ultrasounds, and the feelings you had when you saw twins on the screen. Don't feel bad about it, it doesn't mean you're a horrible person and you're not deliberately setting yourself up for disappointment. .

    I'm willing to bet that when you see the healthy baby on the screen tomorrow, even though it's just one, the feelings of relief will be enormous and you won't be disappointed, you'll just be tremendously relieved and excited.

    I wish you all the best for this pregnancy, and hope everything goes perfectly. x*x  

  2. no i haven't lost mutiples but i have lost one and i know exactly how you feel. i lost my baby boy in march of this year and my husband and  i think of him all the time but i have to remind myself that GOD knows best because they say my body detected an abnormality and rejected my pregnancy so when i had him he had abnormal growth on his head but we always tell ourselves GOD knew best but it is a difficult situation to deal with but i say that to say this pray pray pray at least you were able to get pregnant again i haven't yet but i leave it in GOD hands prep up and be excited about your pregnancy

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