
First prenatal visit and I have a lot of questions. Please read and help?

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My DR told me at 5 weeks that I was pregnant. She pulled me out of work because I have had 2 miscarriagess in the past. She told me that I should try and get medical since we don't have insurance and I did. I went in for my first prenatal visit yesterday and I thought it would have taken longer. This was my first visit ever to this DR and I don't know if I should look for another DR or not. Here is everything they did. Checked my weight, did an US for 2 min and didn't show me the baby, Gave me a picture that you can't even tell what it is, and set up my next appointment. I thought for sure she would have asked me if I had any questions or concerns and would have taken more time to talk with us about our baby. She told us we were 12 weeks and gave us the due date. Is that normal or are there DRs out there that will spend more time helping you out. I have another choice for a DR but its a male and I don't know how strange that would be. I just want to make sure we are getting the best care and I felt like I was being ignored a little. What are your thought on this and is this normal? I was in the room for maybe 15 min and the DR was only in there for about 5 of those. Even my Husband said he thought the US would have taken longer and that she would have spent more time with us. Thanks for your help.




  1. I had a full vaginal exam and pap smear at my first appointment. I didn't have an ultrasound because they don't have that equipment right at my doctors office. My OB did spend a good ten minutes just talking to me, answering questions and telling me the basics of what not to do while pregnant. I would definitely go see the other doctor. I don't know from personal experience, but I've heard its better to have a male OB when pregnant. They're more sympathetic when it comes to the delivery. That's just hearsay though. Anyways, congratulation and good luck!

  2. Christ, no, thats not normal. thats awful. change docs. thats terrible treatment

  3. your hubby is right it should have taken longer call the US department ask them you want another one because you were not satisfied whith the DR you had and tell the what happend also when you have an US they measure the baby and stuff so i think you should really book another US

  4. my first visit was pretty much the same except i had an ultra sound on  a different date. The ultra sound person is usually not your dr. and they dont talk to you because their job is to do the ultra sound and send the results to your dr. I didnt get to see the screen either and i also gota pic of a "bean" which is normal because it doesnt look like a baby yet. My dr did my weight and i had to pee ina cup and get my blood taken.

    So far i think your pretty normal. if your dr is being RUDE to you then go a head and change it. My dr is a male and he is very nice and very professional i have not felt uncomfortable once.

    Good Luck

  5. i would look for a good midwife..quality of care is better

  6. You should have had blood taken, that's all I really see wrong. Also an annual if you didn't have one in the past year. Did you at least get a scrip from them to go to the lab & get blood drawn? I mean, my doctor's office draws my blood unless it's for something like a glucose test in which case I get a scrip & the lab is downstairs. And the ultrasound at that time is really just to get an estimated due date. Almost any doctor you find will do the same. Sounds like they did what they were supposed to do. Also, having a male doctor is no different. We have three doctors and one midwife at the doctor's office I go to, and they rotate who you see at each appointment so when it comes time to deliver, whoever is on call will deliver the baby & you'd be fine with that since you know them and they know your case and everything. It becomes routine, you won't notice. And if you have any questions, just call up your doctor, or ask next time you go. They're used to questions, and it doesn't make you annoying or anything, just shows you're interested in your pregnancy & would like to know everything you possibly can!

    Good luck & congrats!

    Add -- you need to be comfortable at your doctor's office. Regardless of it being a male or female, you should be comfortable, because these are the people you are trusting with your baby's life and it can be a little nerve wracking. Everything will be fine! :)

  7. If you are not comfortable with your doctor, you should try the other doctor.  He may be better about giving you better attention.

  8. You poor thing, I'm sorry that happened to you, that is a horrible experience for your first prenatal visit. You should always feel comfortable at a doctor's office, especially for your babies doctor, because really that's what the doctor is. If that's how they act on your FIRST visit, just imagine your next 7 months! If you don't want to switch doctors, let her know that her actions need to be a little more loving and respectful towards you and your coming family. Good luck to you sweetheart and I hope your pregnancy turns out to your full expectations!  

  9. That does seem a little short for an first one was at about 8 weeks and probably lasted 15 minutes. They usually measure the baby to make sure the due date is right. From what i've found the guy doctors actually spend more time with you :) my doctor is a midwife and i dont like it at all. She never explains anything to me and i wish i would have switched sooner. Im 38 weeks now so theres really no point. I usually end up calling L&D lol their wayyy more helpful

  10. Its not that unusual ..but if your not happy try some one else ,you have to be confidant ...

  11. I had a man and it wasn't strange at all.

    Seems like they just rushed through the appointment.  I gave blood, urine, got a pap, and a vaginal ultrasound on my first visit.  My doctor let me know everything he was doing, told me what I should be doing, gave me reading material, asked if I had questions and set me up for the next appointment.

    I would look into another doctor and don't be afraid to stop them and make them answer your questions and give u info.  That's their job.

  12. i would go to another doctor but they should have taken blood to and told you a due date and showed you the baby and the heartbeat.

  13. yep that about the extent of it. I didn't even get an ultrasound lucky you.

    All they did was do my weight, blood pressure, have me pee in a cup, the doctor did a vaginal and checked to make sure my ovaries weren't inflamed, and said yep your pregnant, then sent me to get blood taken.

    That was the most productive visit. All the rest last like 5 min. I go in for wieght, and blood pressure, pee in a cup, and my doctor looks for the heart beat and thats it.  

  14. Most of your drs visits will be quick! If you have questions or concerns address them with your dr when you are in the same room! Use your voice! When you get your first pic the baby normally looks like a blob if your not very far along! Its amazing tow atch how it develops tho!don't worry but if you have question then ask!

  15. You should have gotten a due date first visit always. If they don't already have your medical history they should have asked are given you papers to fill out. As far as the ultrasound there isn't much that someone who doesn't know what there looking for can see but they should have explained everything to you. Also with the due date they may just want to wait until your a little further also to set the date by gestation of the baby its a more reliable that way.

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