
First real friends...? ?

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Ma two best friends dat ive ever had, honestly! its not fake friendship!

WE are completely the same in thoughts and actions. Nobody understands us but us and I would never trade it away and they told me the same thing. They said I tap into them and its like they can reveal anything (BULL) we met because we were outcast, they were rlly shy and so was 1 but i stopped being one, and i got tired of being one so i trained them into wat they are now, cool hyper girls, they use 2 b fat and now their skinny which changed them alot (im not fat, never was) even though they were fat (ppl said they were) i NEVER thought they were and i didnt think anything was wrong but now they changed and got prettier and ive changed 2 but only appearance.

Ma two best friends only need eachother, not me. Lately they got boyfriends and go on double dates and i dont have a boyfriend ( some things happened and now im afraid of guys so i panic if they ask me out and just act cool about it and turn them down, its not dat i cant get a guy)

im okay w/ dat but they NEVER even tell me about it. they dont call me anymore like they use 2 and talk for 2-3 hours. We use 2 hang out afterschool all the time and id even get in trouble for missing da bus on purpose just 2 hang out w/ them because i live kinda far from da school ( not in walking distance). Now after school I dont even see them, its like they leave so i wont stay after school w/ them or miss the bus on purpose, literally its like "lets go before she comes!" y r u being dat way just cuz i dont have a boyfrined? but watev im not a cokblocker i DONT CARE!. But wat pisses me off is dat when they go and hang out its not ALWAYS a double date. its just them, hanging out at da mall or walking around town. in school talking about wat they did infront of all our friends and im just faking a smile when really im like " wasnt i ur best friend" really jealousy and depression are overcoming me, this has been happening for a year now and im been friends for 5 years now. they were my first real friends and i was theirs... Y?! Y ARE THEY TREATING ME THIS WAY! NO MATTER WAT THEY DO I ALWAYS JUST SMILE! MAKE THEM LAUGH! IM DA FUN ONE! IM DA ONE WHO BROKE THEIR SHELL OF SHYNESS! I PRETTY MUCH CREATED THEM NOW! AND NOW THEY R UNCOINCIOUSLY SLOWLY THROWING ME AWAY?! DIS IS BULL!

its alot worse than wat ive said but its way 2 long so i shortend it up. WAT DA h**l DO I DO! weve never had a fight. and just because im feeling jealous im gonna ruin our friendship, rather just stay quiet, but I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! im like da most composed cool person and even now im at ma limit....

wat do i do?




  1. Well this happens a lot. I know it happened to me a whole bunch or times.

    So I think you should tell them how you feel. And if they change and they

    start including you more than they are really your friends. But if they don't

    than you should start looking for other friends.

    Well good luck :)

    Hope I helped.  

  2. u be 2 full of ur self girl! like i think you should stop bein a b*T(#!!!!!!!!

  3. ^



    I totally agree with Kelsies! Please listen to her...she knows what shes talking about

    Why don't you just talk to them? You cant'just keep that stuff bottled up inside. It shouldn't be that hard just to let them know that you're hurting inside, and they need to realize it. If that doesn't help, then just find new friends because these "friends" of yours are treating you like S**t. Good Luck! Don't lose confidence because those girls need a reality check!

  4. This totally happened to me in High School.I went to a different high school than my best friend for a couple weeks ,then when i transfered to her school it was all good until i noticed that her and my other friend who was always shy and kind of a bookworm,daddy's girl,over-protected or whatever you want to call were now best friends.I saw a change in the girls attitude,her look and everything.I was always so popular and one of the cool kids ,but i suddenly felt like an outsider.The girl just started not liking me and it wasn't fair because i was always a great friend to both of them ,especially my best friend.They would dodge me and act like it was an accident.I Hate being and feeling betrayed.To me its the worst feeling in the world.

    The best advise i can give you is to do yourself a favor and no longer rely on them and make new best friends.If they don't want to be friends with you then do them the favor.Don't hang out with them,hang out with new people have fun on your own and you can occasionally tell them about it,but casually.It sucks and its not fair at all but don't let them hurt you.Do what i regret not doing.

  5. First of all, internet slang is not cool anymore... Learn to spell your words out.., if you want people to take you more seriously.

    Secondly, they were never your real true friends if they are treating you like an outcast. Just because they have boyfriends doesn't give them the right to act as if they are better than you, Talk to them and see what's going on. Don't be rude or confrontational, just simply ask them why you don't hang out anymore.

    Thirdly, If you were my friend and constantly going around telling people that you made me who I am, and I was fat and shy and you broke me of that... I would avoid you too. Lose the cocky attitude and you just might get your friends back.

  6. get new friends.... maybe?

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