So here it goes. i like this guy, apparently he likes me too.. We weren't talking for long, but i feel something.. So we met up, we're not very talkative people, and we're both shy.. Decided to watch a movie.. We walked around together while waiting for the movie to start, talking as well... But then he says that hes gonna go to the toilet really quick.. So i waited for probably 40 minutes, looking like an idiot. So then I decided to call him, no answer. So I just headed home... The night after, he was online, then he apoligises to me, saying that he wanted to touch me, but he felt so bad, so he just left. I had a feeling it was because of how I look, but while we were talking on MSN he was saying all this stuff like he doesn't care about looks, personality is what really matters .. He also said he isn't very confident and what not. So yeah, i don't know what to do now.. but I like him....
I'm 18, never been in a relationship before. I usually spend my time alone because I don't enjoy life at all, i don't have anyone to hang out with anyway... But knowing him for a while, made me feel that I should give it a try.. .Maybe even a relationship.. He gave me mixed signals, he says that he wants to be in a relationship, yet he just ditches me.
What do I do? Should I try to contact him? Or should I just let it be?
Gosh, i never thought I'd be one of those people who ask questions like this on here, but I don't know what to do anymore.