
First round of clomid?

by Guest67071  |  earlier

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i went to my gyn doctor today with two months of my bbt. and i just found out that i have not been ovulating. my doctor put me on my first round of clomid. what i would like to know, is their anyone who have gotten pregnant off of the first, second, third, ect, round of clomid? what are the side effects and how does this stuff work?




  1. First off, I dont' want you to get worried. Clomid can cause nausea, ovulation pain, headaches and some other symptoms. The only symptom I had was a really bad migraine about 3 days after I stopped taking it. Also, I took a pregnancy test on cd35 and it said pregnant. I went and got my blood test to confirm and it was negative. Clomid can cause false positives. It says that in the instructions on I guess most pregnancy test. I used the digital clear blue. I didn't get pg on my first round, so now were going for round 2. Good luck to you. I hope it works.  

  2. I got pregnant on my 2nd round of 50mg.  Unfortunatley, that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.  We're trying again and I started my first round this month.  I go Friday to find out my CD21 progesterone level.

    The only side effect that I had was severe husband's mantra was "It's the's the medicine."

    Good luck!

  3. many women have gotten pregnant with Clomid, it takes on average up to 3 cycles to get pregnant with it, but sometimes if you're lucky it's the first can learn more about clomid and find other ladies who have gotten preggo with it try they also have medical advisor answering questions for free

    good luck!
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