
First seizure at 19?????

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Just recently my boyfriend had a seizure (7.11.2008); he is 19 & this was his first seizure, he had no prior health problems other than a twitch/tick (his head would twitch) which started about two years ago hes been to the doctor; had follow ups, his blood has been tested and they haven't found anything wrong with him, they have him on dilantin to prevent another seizure; now i know everyone on here is not a medical professional but i just want to know if anyone has heard of this...if so do you know what the cause is?




  1. 7.11.08?

    Where the h**l do you live lady?

    Sorry, Did you make a typo? :D


    He Could have just gotten epilepsy (If that is the problem/Disease) late in his life, or sometimes it can well, just happen. I am not epileptic and I had a seizure once it it was some fast colorful blinking thing. It could have been a movie he watched or a video game or something. Maybe his twitching at the head has gotten worse?

  2. That may be the only seizure he ever has, but I would go see a neurologist and have an EEG and MRI done to rule out any problems. I had Epilepsy for 38 yrs.  I was on Dilantin the majority of that time.  If they put him on it long-term, ask if there is another equally effective med they can use.  Dilantin carries a risk of liver problems, it makes your bones, nails hair and teeth brittle (I now have dentures) and it turns your teeth yellow and makes your gums soft and spongy.  

    Seizures can be caused by many things. High fever, a blow to the head, stress, exhaustion.  For more information, check this site.  It has tons of information for non-professional people like us.

    Here's hope that seizure was his only one.

    You can find a wealth of information at this site:

  3. yes of course it is possible to have seizure in this age!my husband had it 2 years ago for the first time ,there were no unusual thing in his MRI & the other related tests.after 6 months it happened again & he takes depakene  from then on & he didn't have any attack from 7 month ago!

  4. Better to take MRI after consulting Neurophysician to rule out tumors/cysts.

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