
First serving job at Italian restaurant?

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I really need help on what the best way to memorize the menu including what wines go good with what foods! I also need to know because I have to be able to recognize the food when it comes out of the kitchen. Please help!





  2. practice remebering stuff and have ur friends test on on what goes good with what. make a song or try to remeber everything in alphabetical order and how many items there are. and how many itms that start with each letter. ex. 5 items start with R. or something so that it will be easier to remeber things if u forget it.

  3. You could make yourself flashcards - name of the dish on one side, ingredients on the other; quiz yourself constantly - go over items in the shower, when you brush your teeth, etc.; group the similar dishes togher and focus on them as a group - once you've memorized one group, start on another. Repitition is the key.

    As previously mentioned, food running will also help you remember the dishes. Good luck!

  4. Usually the food comes out with a ticket, saying what table it belongs to, just to let you know. But some easy ways to tell between pastas are just to remember the width of them.... angel hair is very thin, fettucini is fatter, etc. Just look at pictures of pasta dishes online to understand the differences. Also, wine is DEFINENTLY important to memorize, because I've found waiting at an Italian place that a lot of customers expect you to know. As far as which wines go with which dishes, just ask your manager, the cook, or another waitress- they have expierence and should know.

  5. You will learn by doing...all things seem impossible until you do them!  

  6. Best way to learn the food coming out of the kitchen is to see it.  A lot.  Ask your trainer/manager if you can do a shift or two food running.  It really does help! :-)

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