
First <span title="kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss?">kisssssssssssssssssssssss...</span>

by Guest518  |  earlier

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omg i want my first kiss so bad i keep thinking about it wat should i do




  1. Me too honey, me too. I'm nearly fiteen, and have never kissed a boy in my life. Meanwhile, all my friends are going around kissing boys and getting boyfriends like theres no tomorrow. I'm actually quite desperate right now, and confused... Guys tell me I'm hot all the time and that I'm really pretty, and I have guy friends, but I just never seem to get asked out. One site that really helped me is this one : its not some stupid site like it sounds, it has useful facts about how to get approached by guys, what your normal stans (how you act, how you stand, what you do, etc.) says about you, if it's giving out positive feedback to the opposite s*x, etc. And how to get a guy/girl to ask you out, how to tell if they like you, how to get your first kiss (something you read once you already have a boyfriend or almost do) how to french kiss and make out, what their differences are, etc. and lots of quizzes and fun stuff. It's actually a really great, useful site for everyone from "I don't have a spec of experience with the opposite s*x", to "I don't know how to french kiss with him/her." It's for both guys and girls, is safe, and helpful. Good luck, hope this helps, as it helped me a lot!

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