
First tattoo? Shoulder or lower back?

by  |  earlier

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i want something simple and small yet cute. i dont know if i want any colors yet or not. im going to get one to declare my independence when i turn 18. any ideas? please dont make fun of me for asking this. i just want to know what you think. any design ideas? any tips? thanks so much. my friend is going with me to do this.




  1. I'm in the same position, and here's my thinking:

    I don't want it on my  lower back because it's commonly referred to as a "tramp stamp", and no one wants that.

    And you don't want it on you shoulder because on you wedding day, if you wear a strapless dress or a have skinny straps, it's going to show. So maybe you should hold off for awhile...

    Or if you don't mind the nickname, go for the lower back.

  2. Who cares about the tramp stamp?! If you like it on your back then do it - who cares what others think? Personally I like tattoos on the lower back but just small ones and not the large designs. But like I said who cares about other people's judgements? Do whatever your comfortable with.

    It also depends on whether you want it hidden or not. The lower back is obviously easier to hide. Personally I like both. I guess it depends on what the design and size is? Why not do both?

  3. I'm getting one on my shoulderblade before I turn 14. I think the lower back is kinda dominated for the wider large tattoos.

  4. the lower back is played out.

  5. getting a tattoo is not showing independence..tattoos are the most sheepish, follow the herd,I wanna be cool too,part of the part thing you can do,wrong thing to do if you are trying to be different!people like you are the reason I am saving to buy a tattoo laser removal machine.

  6. shoulder

  7. HOT TIP: Don't ever get anyones name tatood on you unless its your mum, dad, or your kids.

    I rekon tats are hot on the top of your foot, or near your hip bone on the pubic line or on your collar bone. easy to hide them if you need to go to a job interview (or if you hate it when you get older) but you can show them off if you want...

    Star signs are usually good but i personally think that unless you have a good meaning for one, then you shouldnt get one.

    as for a tatoo to declare your independance, maybe you should get your birth date with a little symbol or something. Or you could get a similar one as your friend, to symbolise your friendship. my best mate and i both got a little love heart in the pubic area.

    good luck and make sure you think about what you want real good. or talk to your tattoist about designing one.

  8. once i turned 18 i went and did two things pierced my belly and got a tattoo. for tattoo ideas i just looked over the web and found a design that i liked it was tribal but in the center there was a butterfly, for me this was too typical although i haven't seen that exact tribal on anyone i knew, so i took in the pic and told the tattoo artist that instead of the butterfly i wanted a heart. so i got the tribal done in black and got an outline of a blue heart in the center, the blue heart represents alot to me. so just find something that is meaningful to you, the lower back (that's where i got mine done) and the shoulder are great places to get one done for the simple reason that it can be covered up and is discreet yet you can show it off with the more skin you show. one thing i advise you not to get done though is someones name a friend or a crush, your still young and don't want to have a persons name inked into your skin for the rest of your life!

  9. MY suggestion is DON'T get one at all. They may sound cool and please don't say I'm going to declare my independance cuz if thats what getting a tattoo does for you then wow hunny you need some work....I'm not making fun of you ethier just saying they hurt to get removed and you get scarred for life also when you become old and wrinkled it's not so attractive. Get what i'm saying? Sorry but the truth hurts..

  10. if you get it on your lower back people will refer to it was a "tramp stamp" and nobody wants that lol so go for the shoulder! :-D

  11. *Rolls around the floor in fits of laughter* I haven't heard anyone say "tramp stamp" for years...tis so cool. That said, I actually have one but given as I designed it myself and it means something I don't think of it that way. To me the fire symbollises the passion and energy of the horse - have a butchers at it! -

    Anyway, it depends on what the design is. Not everything looks good on the shoulder and vice versa. Go to a tattoo studio and have a look at designs :-)

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