
First test positive then today a negative?

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I didn't use first morning urine either time. But yesterday I had a faint positive and today nothing at all. I used the same brand of test and I did drink a little more liquid today than I did yesterday before testing. I'm wondering if the first test was faulty???




  1. Its not very often you get a false positive so i so you are and go to the doc goodluck.

  2. I would think that you are pg because its normal to get a negative and then be pg but its not normal to get a positive and then not be because the body only produces hcg when pg so you really need to test first thing in the morning with your morning urine. Good Luck!

  3. While it is not very common to get a false positive you did take the test way early.

    It is possible to have a chemical pregnancy (meaning you were technically pregnant but lost it before you would even know that you conceived) but you will not know until you either get your period or go to the doctor.

    I would wait until you miss your period and then take another if it comes up negative wait another week and take another.


  4. there's a possibility the first one was faulty, test again in a couple of days....also for accurate results test 12 days after ovulation :) you can read more about this or ask questions online for free, try

    good luck!!

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