
First tiem using contacts..VERY blurry?

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This is my first tiem using contacts and i got them in alright it hurt a little but som pain is to be expected...but ok i have them in and i can see BETTER with them in than without anything but no where near as cgood as i could with my asking is that normal to not be able to see perfectly or anywhere near it.. Thank you =]




  1. wrong prescription?

  2. are they soft lenses?  you may have put them in inside out...take out one at a time and flip the other way and re-insert.  Also try using rewetting drops to help the lens settle on your cornea.  Actually, some "pain" is NOT to be expected.  Properly fitted contacts should not really be sensed once they are in the eye.  If these tips do not help, you should not wear them until you have seen your prescriber. GL!

  3. Hum. It sounds like your doctor is no where to be found. Why is that? You need to be fit by your doctor and have the doctor look at you after they are in.

  4. Ok, number one, i have contacts, so this might be heplful to you. First of all, you know that you have to put the contacts back in its case 1 hour before bed. Also make sure you put the contact Solution. They do this, so the contacts can retain all of its moisture and when you wake up in the morning and put them in, they are crystal clear. Make sure you let the contacts soak in the case with the solution, for atleast 10 hours for the best results!!!

    Also, it depends on what solution you use. I use Opti-plenish X. That is recommened for the Best results. Any other brand aint good enough!

    Also, make sure you inspect the Contact before its in your eye, make sure there's no Hairs, rips, or any dirt on it. If so, the solution does the work. If it has rips, through BOTH out and get new ones.

    Also, make sure your on a schedule. If they are brand new, the next day you where them for 4 hours, and as the days continue, where them for 2 more hours. This lets your eyes adjust to them. Its no good of you where them for one day, then the next day, 4 hours, then the next 8 hours! That'll just ruin your eyes.

    Lastly,  make sure they are not upside down. A way of telling it, if you put the contact  where your thumb connects to you hand, and move your thumb toward your palm, it'll form a Taco Shell shape. If it makes the shape, then its right side up!

    Well i hoped this helped out alot, and if you have anymore questions, email me at or as an alternate,

    Good luck ('^-^')

    P.S. Each pair of Contacts can last up to 6 months. Keep that in mind!

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