
First time Kayaker?

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I wanting to go on my kayaking trip in about three weeks. The kayak and the safety equipment will be provided by the company providing the guide. Calm-water. I've never done this before and I'm a little nervous because I'm not the most athletic person, but Iove swimming and such. Any trips besides trying to build shoulder muscles between now and then? Thanks!




  1. You're going to have a blast! The first time I went kayaking, ever, I went out on the open ocean, and even that was easy! Other than stretching daily and maybe working out a bit, there's not a lot you can practice if you're not in the boat. Just listen to the guide, and don't be afraid of anything. Wear your sunscreen!!!

  2. You'll have a great time, so it's true, you don't need to worry.  

    To ensure you don't get tired & sore, don't think about kayaking as a "strong arms" and shoulders thing - it's not about that.  

    It's about your core muscles - you actually twist at the waist with each stroke, and that's where your strength and stamina come from.   As you paddle, you don't want to move your arms / shoulders like you're pedaling a bike - you actually hold the paddle in front of you, with your elbows bent and you sort of freeze your arms in that position.  Rotate your upper body from the waist, and move the blade thru the water that way.  

    If you do this (as I've mentioned above) you'll have a blast, and you'll do really well!  Relax, don't bunch your shoulders up under your ears, and have fun!

    Between now and then?  I'd do whatever you normally do, maybe add in some nice stretches for your waste and legs.  Don't injure yourself or go into this with already sore muscles, that wouldn't be any fun!

  3. You'll be fine. You don't really need to practice or workout, its not that strenuous of an activity, especially on flat water. As already mentioned, wear sunscreen and drink water. Happy paddling!

  4. If it's calm water, don't worry....

    It is easy.  Wear a hat, and sunscreen, bring water to drink

    and, it is very hard to flip one over.  You'd really have to try.
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