
First time Masjid experience.....

by  |  earlier

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So I went today to Masjid for the first time to pray noon prayer, and everything went great!!! except for there was only one sister,lol. She is a convert too. I wonder why many sisters did not show up? I went there one time before when I was not muslim though and there were many sisters, and it was not a friday. Mmmm, kind of strange.




  1. Maybe they had work?

  2. Dear sister, I am a revert myself, I used to attend the Mosque, then I realized its not an obligation for sisters to attend the mosque. We stay home and pray at home. Its better that way.  

  3. My mum makes me go to Jummah if she's angry with me. LOL

    To be honest, I prefer praying at home.

  4. mashallah! hehe..

    yes sometimes and somedays it is like that for the sisters side.  And like the other sister said, you might find out about if or when they meet up.. probably evening or so.

    And yes it is recomended for women to pray at home, yet nothing wrong with praying in the masjid.  Also, many people don't know many surahs, or they don't even know how to pray well, that time masjid is very helpful!!!  Also often in the west, many areas don't have sister's study circle, or practicing muslimah etc. that time also i find it very beneficial to go to the masjid because it feels like I belong somewhere. etc.  I find it very beneficial a lot of times to tell u the truth.  After you go for a while, you get to get in touch with other sisters etc.  Very nice!!!  Inshallah hope for you all the best...

    but when u r good at it, or have a quiet proper place at home etc. that is also very much nicer and better in the sight of Allah.

    {{{ hugs }}}

    wa aleikis salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

  5. My experience is that you will find sisters more in the evening like for maghreb or Isha.  Find out if the sisters meet during the week and if so then you can meet more of them inshallah.  

  6. Congratulations! Well, there aren't many sisters in mosques usually, except for special days, like Friday or Eid. Maybe, it was just a chance that many of them were present there. Anyway, congrats!

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