
First time attending a peacefull rally in DC on the North Lawn, any advice?

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Long time activist will be attending first rally (Revolution Rally) in Washington DC. Taking the family (husband, son, mother), have seen a couple of videos of how things can get out of hand at some of these events, guess I'm a little nervous. Anyone here that's been to a few let me know what to expect.




  1. See you there!

    Must admit I'm not sure I'll bring anything for 'cold weather' in DC in July, but seeing a post above, maybe something light.  I tend to think 'sweltering'.

  2. Most rallies in DC are very orderly and peaceful - only the recent IMF/World Bank rallies had issues.

    I checked the website and the rally and march seem very organized so chances are they have a permit and it will have lots of police in attendance.

    That being said - pack clothes for cold and hot weather - bring only bottled water and some other snacks.  Coolers are generally NOT allowed.  Take the Metro - it's much easier to get around DC that way.

  3. There are always people who use these things to cause trouble (even if they do not care about the issues).  I have given up on going to them after being injured-it is just not worth it.  I definitely would not bring kids-it's dangerous.  It's too bad,but a "bad element" is drawn to these things.

  4. If their is counter protest then they most likely will be screaming insults at you...once we were handing out fliers at peace protest and this pro-war guy came up and grabbed a bunch of our leaflets and rip them in half right in front of us...and right in front of the cops, he got like a hundred dollar fine for was hilarious but really the only you can expect is alot of insults and close-minded counter protest however if there is no counter protest your in the clear

  5. if u see guns and vests with 3 letter acronyms, run like helI

  6. join us......

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