
First time babysitting trouble?

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I start babysitting next week. He is eight and best friends with my brother but my brother isn't allowed over while im babysitting. I have babysat my brother before. I don't know what to do with this kid. its a couple hours each day sometimes as earley as 6:30 am.HE likes bugs but its supossed to rain all week. I olny get one chance or the parents wont let me babysit again Please Help




  1. is he allowed to watch a movie? im sure he has games and toys at his house and dont just ignore him but like play with him and be nice and im sure he will like u if u do that and he will tell his parents ur good also i just read that someone said that make food  that looks like bugs and one cute thing is like you take celery and u put peanut butter on it and then but rasins on it and they look like bugs on a log. also gummy worms? ask your brother what he likes to do when they play together

  2. Does he like video games? Try that. Bring over board games, DVDs etc.... Just watch TV, you'll do fine. Just remember... DO NOT talk on the phone or get on their computer. It will be your last time for sure!! Good Luck

  3. Do the kind of thing that your brother likes to do while you babysit him. If they are best friends, they must have similarities!

  4. I started babysitting 3 weeks ago and I didn't know what to do either. I brought games for her cuz she is sometimes a rough kid. I brought like guess who and Rush Hour Jr. and even cards. Easy games or things to do. Things that you think he will be interested in. I brought Rush Hour Jr. and thought that she would think that it's stupid, but she was amazingly interested. Be imaginative and creative. We even made a tree and watched T.V.

    btw I babysat for 8 hours. From 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.

    The next time I baby sat last saturday it was only an hour, but I babysat her 3 kids.!!!!! but i survived

    Hope I Helped

  5. He's 8 years old, he will be happy with whatever you do. it's early so he might be sleeping some of the time. But, the rest of time bring a sheet, and make a tent. he will love that. Also bring craft supplies and he can make a gift for his mom or dad. Bring paper and crayons and he can write a note to his parents about what you guys did while you sat. also, have him write a list of what he would want to do if you came back, have a makeshift Mailbox, and read the note when you get home, then plan what you have to bring to play what he wants to do. then you know he won't be bored because he picked out what you do.

    Good Luck!!!

    ~Ash~<3 if you need more activities msg me i have milliions more i would love to share.

  6. if he likes bugs try to buy him little fake buggy toys. lol you deserve more than one chance

  7. play board games, cards, have him show you any collections or fun things he has, have him "create" a new game and teach you the rules (be careful with this one inside).  email me for more ideas, this is all I could think of right now.

  8. This is relie easy.

    Get creative.

    Make bug cookies or bug cupkakes.

    And umm, there is this new

    mac & cheese that is made with bugs in it.

    ( not real tho )

    they are fake. And what kid

    doesnt lyke mac & cheese?

    And let him drink bug juice.

    Buy sum little bug toys from the dollar store or somthing.

    And wen he finally gets tired lay him down,

    and let him watch the bug movie, or Ants, or in a bugs eye.

    Hope I've ben of help. [=

  9. Here's a cute way to have fun with bugs.  its a bee! that you can eat! if you want to try it here!

    What you'll need...

    measuring cups, and measuring spoons

    1/2 cup peanut butter

    1 tablespoon honey

    1/3 cup nonfat dry milk

    2 tablespoons sesame seed

    2 tablespoons toasted wheat germ

    unsweetened cocoa powder

    sliced almonds

    mixing bowl

    wooden spoon

    waxed paper

    tray paper



    1. With adult help, first measure all food. For the dough, in a mixing bowl use the wooden spoon to stir together peanut butter and honey. Stir in nonfat dry milk, sesame seed, and wheat germ till well mixed.

    2. Lay a piece of waxed paper on a tray. For the bee body, shape 1 teaspoonful of dough into an oval. place it on the  tray.

    3. Dip a toothpick into the cocoapowder and press it gently across the topof the bee body. this makes the stripes.

    Stick sliced almonds in the sides for wings. Chill bees in the refrigerater for 30 minutes. Makes about 28 bees.

    well, if you do make it, have fun! lol, hope you have the stuff.  its really fun and there cutte, he can even help make the bees in an oval! have fun with him!

  10. Check out this website there are lots of templates and advice for babysitting:

    You could make bugs out of pipe cleaners and egg cartons or cool bug shaped snacks together. Ask your brother what they usually do together. You should do great!

  11. get a pack of pokemon cards (you can get them at target and toys r us) give them to him ask him whats hisfavorite charachter talk with him about them

  12. lay down the law... tell him your the boss. you cant go ourside and everything else

  13. Rent some bug movies, do an arts & crafts project making insects. Make ants on a log using peanut butter, raisins, and celery, but check to be sure he has no allergies first. Color bug pictures, read bug books. Just have fun. Ask him what he wants to do.

  14. What kinds of things do you do with your brother? Since they are friends I'm sure they have alot of the same interests. Don't worry I'm sure everything will be fine. If he really likes bugs maybe you could go to the library and get some books about them or look some interesting things up online about bugs with him! Good luck and have fun!

  15. Crafts and activities are always fun here's a link to a website with bug activities

  16. do something fun. if he likes bugs, try to relate with him. Bring "A Bugs Life" to watch with him, and make some snack that's creative and looks like ants or something. You can make some really cool stuff. try to be his best friend, that's what they like best.

  17. Babysitting is awesome. All you really have to do is go with the flow. Watch a movie, make some snacks, maybe play some cards or something. I am sure he will keep you busy, being eight years old. He will probably want to play, and yes, he will probably get on your nerves. The key to being a good babysitter is to keep your cool, stay positive, and just relax and have fun!!! Its your turn to be a kid again :)

  18. He may enjoy making bug crafts, out of craft supplies or even modeling clay that you pop in the oven to harden.  You could also get a recipe for making like slime or slime type play dough too, boys like that gross feeling type stuff.  It is always good to have something to show for a day of babysitting.  Maybe there is a toy or 2 he really likes to use of you brothers that you could borrow (or rent) from your little brother for a day and promise to replaced whatever gets broken, the kids i babysit love coming over to use my brothers toys.  Try to keep him entertained with out using video games or tv or computer-it is more creative and liked more by parents.  If you bring some index cards, crayons, a large piece of cardboard, or more, you could make a boards game with him one that you make together (mostly his ideas) and then after you can play it too!  Be extremely polite to the parents, the way you say you only get one chance makes it seem like the parents are really serious about this whole babysitting thing, and make sure to give them a full report, b/c kids often say they did nothing when asked (one time I was babysitting this girl and her mom called, we were playing a board game she chose and her mom asked her what we were doing and she told her mom we weren't doing anything and her mom got mad--i was playing a board game with her wasn't I, we also went for a walk to the park, played tag, played hide and seek, cleaned her room (moms orders), so w/e she can tell her mom we did nothing-we never sat down except at snack??)  My point by that is you need to tell them what you did that day, even is they don't ask b/c they will believe their kid when they say they did nothing.  If it is more than like 6 hours or so and it is rainy, it would probably be ok to put a movie in ( maybe one you have and he doesn't that is appropriate) if it is rainy all day.  You could also bring supplies to bake something, like a cake he gets to decorate for mom and dad, cookies he can make into shapes, etc, just make sure you bring everything needed.  Another idea an 8 yr old might like is build a tent out of blankets, maybe if they have a finished basement/playroom, and you could tell ghost stories, eat smores (use fluff instead of roasting marshmallows), maybe if he's creative he may like to write his own campfire song with your help, turn the lights off and bring a flash light to make like shadow animals or whatever they are called.  Hope I gave some useful ideas, good luck and have fun!

    here is a silly puddy and gooey stuff recipes I found online:

    Homemade Silly Putty

    2 cups white school glue

    1 cup liquid starch

    Mix together and set aside until dry. Store in an airtight container.

    Gooey Goop

    1/2 cup water

    2 cups cornstarch

    Food coloring

    In a large bowl, mix together water and cornstarch until smooth. Add food coloring and stir.

    Play with goop on a plastic covered surface or on newspaper.

  19. You ahve to make it fun. Ask him what he wants to do. Play games, watch tv, if he likes bugs you could look at some online and let him explain them to you. Most of all just make sure he has a good time but don't let him get away with anything. He will tell his parents how much he liked you and they will ask you to babysit again.

  20. a lot of kids that age like tv or movies, so in that case you could watch "A Bug Movie" you can play games that he plays with your brother sometimes. i hope you do a good job and the parents let you babysit again!

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