
First time doing mushrooms need help?

by  |  earlier

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I'm eating a gram and 1/2, and this will be my first time tripp'n on shrooms. I heard it can get pretty crazy but not what to except during my expeirience. Can someone fill me in on what happens.




  1. ok just to tell you this is gonne rock for your first time my first time i took 2grams best day of my life(until i took an 1/8th)

    ok you will have some minor open eye hallucinations you will have better closed eye hallucinatioons though

    i advise you get baked befor you eat'em so you wont expect it, you will just blink and see a giant mushroom in front of you

    some say they taste bad i advise you go to dairy queen get a blizzard grind it up and use it as a topping for the delicous ice cream

    or if you know a fellow shroom/pothead he can do i for you

    or you can grind them up and put them in some tea here is what you do

    grind them up like this i advise putting a teabag or 2 in with it

    ok 2 teabags 1.5 grams ground up mushie 1 1/2 cups water

    i like lemon ice tea so i would put some lemon juice in it

    let the water get hot but not boiling put the muchies and water and stuff in and let it sit there for a bit keep it at a simmer pour it in a cup add a lil suger and drink up

    (its the most tasteful way i can make the tea)

    drink the tea fast o it is a best trip

    ok when you eat them chew them up as much as possable like until you think your gonna gag then swallow if you dont chew enuff it can lead to a BAD stomach ache

    ok 1 1/2 expect moderate/controllable hallucinations

    expect lots of laughter

    expect your stomach and face to hurt the nex morning from laughing your a$$ off

    stay in the a secluded place where cops/bothers cant get to you


    +mood lift, euphoria

    +giggling, laughter, giddiness

    +creative, philosophical or deep thinking : ideas flow more easily

    +boring tasks or entertainment can become more interesting or funny

    +sensation of insight

    +life changing spiritual experience

    +intense feelings of wonder

    +paradoxical feeling of a normalcy and deep alteration of psyche

    +may interrupt cluster sequences in those suffering from +cluster headaches [ Cluster Headache Treatment ]


    +feeling more emotionally sensitive

    +general change in consciousness (as with many psychoactives)

    +time perception alteration [ Wittmann 2006 ]

    +time seems to pass more slowly (minutes seem to take hours)

    +lights seem brighter, sensitivity to light

    +starring and rainbow patterns around pinpoint lights

    +increased detection of motion in peripheral vision

    closed and open eye visuals (common at medium or stronger dose)  

    +pupil dilation

    +sensation of energy or buzzing in the nevous +system/peripheral limbs

    +memories come to life


    +intense feelings of fear

    +headache, usually as effects wear off, sometimes beginning +the next day, lasting for up to 24 hours

    +nausea, gas, gastrointestinal discomfort, especially when dry mushrooms eaten raw

    +mild to severe anxiety

    +dizziness, confusion

    +lightheadedness or fainting (in cases of lowered blood pressure)

    +can precipitate or exacerbate latent or existing mental disorders

    +working memory disruption (reduced ability to do tasks requiring current remembering and attention) [ Wittmann 2006 ]

    any more questions visit

    if you have any more questiongs visit this link

  2. well first of all have fun. eating shrooms is fun, although i don't think i could do it again. but, first things first. they taste like sh**. so if they aren't already in something, like chocolate, get something. i like chocolate, melt some down and crush up the shrooms in it. or yogurt. sounds funny, but a spoon full of yogurt helps the magic medicine go down in this case. anyway, expect some pretty colors, a lot of undulation(things melting), and a whole lot of fun. find something to do in between eating them and when you begin to trip, like video games, or a movie, i suggest The Nightmare Before Christmas,its my fav. when i used to trip. well hope this helped and stay safe.

  3. man i heard its not that bad my friend says to just chill

  4. it is can be extremely fun. you will probably experience some hallucinations for 1.5 grams expect the effects to last 3 or 4 hours. my first time i was going to only eat 1.5 too but a friend of mine said the effects would only be mild. so i ate three grams and it was great. my trip lasted around 5 hours. be sure to do this in an enviroment that you are comfortable with and with people you are comfortable with to avoid a "bad trip" Be safe, have Fun!!

  5. every trip is different  but only 1.5g wont be to intense dont worry

  6. Just surround yourself with people who care about you and you'll be fine. Enjoy!

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