
First time drinking?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so me and my friends have never drank before and we got enough for 2 beers each. were 16 and don't say don't do it or anything like that cuz we are. i was wondering how much 2 beers would effect us. and i know you can smell when someone is drunk but would my parents be able to tell from just 2? thanks




  1. I don't think you will be all drunk but I believe you can smell it yes. Shame on you....

  2. Two beers will not get you drunk unless you're severely underweight and/or haven't eaten all day.  It may or may not slow your reflexes to the point where you can't drive, so don't take any chances.  Beer has a strong odor and will stay on your breath for quite a while.

  3. AHAHAHA!!if u even asked a question like thison the internet  it shows how scared u are ur probably gonna pass out!

  4. 2 beers should get you up to around a 0.05% BAC.  At about 0.02% you can notice some minor effect.  At 0.08% you're legally drunk.  I wouldn't say I was drunk at 0.08, though.  By around 0.13% I'm drunk, though.  To actually be wasted, as far as I'm concerned, is beyond a 0.20%.

    You probably won't notice much at all, to be honest.  What you would feel is a buzz, and it won't last long since you don't have enough to keep it there.  

    You can smell when someone has been drinking, since some alcohol is metabolized through your lungs.  I wouldn't be too concerned with 2 beers, though.  If you eat some spicy food afterwards you may be able to mask it, but you should atleast wait an hour so that there isn't any alcohol in your body.  Then they would only be able to pick up a smell of beer, but you've had spicy food, so blame it on that.  It's not like you'll come home drunk, swaying, acting weird, puking, and you won't have a hangover, so it's not a big deal.  I'd rather see people drink a couple beers than a bottle of vodka for their first time anyways.

  5. my best friend started drinking at 15, just beer and now she's 21 and have half of a stomach because that one beer created a taste for harsher things. You and your parents can get arrested if you are caught. And CPS could be called. If this is your 1st time, you may pass out, your friends may freak and leave you where ever you are & God only knows what would happen to you then. If your parents find you and rush you to the hospital, then CPS will be called. You may want to rethink this; you have your whole life ahead of you to do this. Be a leader and not a follower. You are showing great responsibility by getting go on here and seeking facts, so be smarter than the group and say no. Besides, it’s better when you’re legal because then no one can tell you anything!

    And yes, beer has a strong distinct odor - they will most likely smell it

    May God Bless and Keep you

    sugar magnolia, why would you tell miners how to get drunk by drinking it  fast? I could agree with all the other thinks you said, because yes - they are going to do what they want to do. But what if they drink it fast and think it's funny and get behind the wheel? Or guzzle more than one - come on!!! Don't encourage them NOR come down on them. Understanding where they are in life and guiding them right is the way to go. That was very irresponsible  of you.

  6. yes 22 beers  Will affect you in a big way. 2 beers? not as much. the parents I will leave up to you.You aren't my responsibility. but you may want to  go to stinky burger joint (White castles was mine as a kid) to get the smell off of you.

    oh and yes i read the question properly. And  of  course I answered  it properly.

    and no problem

  7. Uh...yeah.  The cops can tell too. Chance is, if you have never consumed alcohol before you will get wasted really easily.  If you choose to consume alcohol I would wait until you are a legal age, so that you don't get arrested...

  8. It depends on how fast you drink them. The faster you drink, the more of a buzz you will have. I am not gonna knock you for doing this like everyone else is, because I drank beer at the same age. Just make sure you don't drive anywhere, and if you are worried about being caught, well that is the price you pay. Plus, you are startign out with beer, and that can be an acquired taste.

    Your parents will be able to tell from "just 2" because beer breath is the worst. & no matter how well you think you are covering it up, you aren't. I thought that for years, and then finally my mom told me she could always tell.

    Be safe please.


    For Spidy~He asked a question & I answered it. If you knew anything at all, 2 beers wouldn't do c**p to anyone, especially if its their 1st time drinking beer (the taste would be enough deterrent). Either way, I am not being irresponsible as you say, because when you were 16 did you listen to anyone? probably not. They are gonna do what they are gonna do either way, & if you fully read my answer you would know I said please don't drive & be safe. and there is nothing wrong with drinking, but some people, like your friend with no stomach, obviously can't handle it.

    Grow the f*ck up.


  10. maybe, you shouldent drink at all because its bad for you and it causes a bad effect on you. trust me my cuz tryed it and he didnt turn out so good the next day. so your parents will smell you from all the way in the kitchen even your breath.

  11. It depends entirely on the beer and your body weight. If you are drinking a dark beer (such as Sierra Nevada) chances are the alcohol content is higher than if you were drinking a light beer (bud light). If you are heavy set, your fat will absorb most of the alcohol instead of it going straight into your blood stream.

    Also take into consideration how fast you drink it. If it takes you 3 hours to drink 2 beers, you probably wont feel much. If you pound 2 beers in 30 minutes.... you will probably get drunk.

    If your parents are naieve (sorry sp) people than they probably wont tell. Better to stay away from the parental figures.

    Good luck and dont drink and drive!!
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