
First time flyer?

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im 17 - 18 nxt sat and am going t spain with a friend of mine. the only prob is that i have never flown before and i am soo nervouse its unreal im even debating wether or not to do it! dont have a clue were the fear came from but always as a child i refused t go away because im so scaird of flying. Anyway the holiday is all booked and payd for by my mum and i cant exacly throw it back in her face! Realy want to do it any tips advice? your own experiences and what to expect ?

thanks alot!




  1. Dont worry about flying at all. its one of the Safest forms of travel.... safer than cars and trains.  The worst parts are the take offs and landings but they are short and over with quickly and then its fine. I sometimes freakout alittle if there is a wierd bump, but all that is normal, just alittle wind and such. Really, there isnt anything to be afraid of and better to get over it now so you will be able to go to all the cool places you want to later, instead of being too afraid and sitting at home dreaming of the places you could be!

  2. I am a pilot for JetBlue...just relax!

    Pilots are verrryyy well trained and experienced

    Turst me, nothing will go wrong

    It's actually soo much fun to be up there

    Get a window seat!

    Have a nice flight

  3. I'm guessing from your nickname that you're flying from Wales? If so then the flight will be relatively short. The worst part for me is always the security before you board. Dress casually. Don't wear alot of metal; jewelry, belt buckle, loose change etc.  Be prepared to take off your shoes,too.

      Take something to do on the plane. A book, iPod, something like that. Talk to the people around you. Chances are they're seasoned travellers. They'll calm your fears.

      Don't be afraid. Be excited. Think of it as an adventure. By the time you get home, you'll be wondering why you were so worried. Have fun.

  4. the first time i flew by myself i was about 12. Now, I've never been afraid of flying but some tips for you are to keep your self busy at all times and keep in mind that flying is one of the safest means of traveling.

  5. umm... really flying isn't so bad.  just never think negative thoughts because it kind of scares you, but otherwise just go to spain and have fun... don't think of the plane, but of what you'll do in spain
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